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New Not doin' too well...
Been havin' a lot of nightmares lately. Typical apocolyptic, end of the world crap that ends with my death. About one every 2-3 nights, and I can't get back to sleep after that. I've been slacking off in my classes, blowing off work, blowing off housework, blowing off everything but steam.

No, I'm not about to take a long walk off a short pier, or anything else of the sort. I'm just in a Real Deep Funk, and it's screwin' me up.

First off: I'm not on any meds of any sort right now, other than what's in our food. And I am watching my diet.

I said an interesting thing to my shrink right before our last session (no insurance for ~3 months, just kicked back in) "Do I see the world in such a crappy light because I am depressed, or am I depressed because the world is such a shitty place?"

That seems to be the core of it.

I'm beginning to feel more and more like there is no hope for humanity. Witness the bullshit in Israel (still going on), Yugoslavia, now in Central America (2-3 nations complaining that each is planning to invade the other), United States (Cameras, lawsuits, corporate ownership of damn near everything), Shrub, hell, the world just does not make me feel like we have another 100 years. Rome is falling, and the Dark Ages are coming.

So what's the point of trying?

I'm trying to hold on - to keep fighting the good fight, telling myself that no matter what happens, I'll maintain my honor if I try. But I'm working at Microsoft AGAIN, I don't see any way that I can make significant change in the world with the line of work I've picked, and I'm feeling further and further lost each day. And I can't find my way back.

Books, games, movies, stories, you name it, they're losing their appeal as I see them as nothing more but distractions from the problems of the real world. And from the real world, I see so many tasks, and so much disagreement on how to do them, that I see no hope on ever fixing this place up.

How do you cope?
"What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have recieved the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output."
New You can't fix everything.
Old saw: "Think Globally, Act Locally"

IOW, only try to fix what you can. Leave the shit in Israel to the Israelis and the Palestinians. They're the ones who have to live with their own decisions.

-scott anderson
New Well.. (a decidedly good direction)
First off your sig. It's the mechanical view.. as doubtless the quote source confirms - even if that's you. It's the way the computer in Dark Star might parse it but.. that contrivance could never grok Anything.

Nobody can 'tell' anyone else, "how actually it *is* here", y'know? But I'll venture the proposition that.. there are precious few of us amidst the billions, who have the slightest comprehension of er what might be 'Real' VS what our minds start filling up with.. starting with -

You're a little *boy*! See? blue! not pink nighty..

I'd imagine you've read a lot of things that I and others here have read, argued about similar and so on. But still.. notice how attitude so much colors absolutely Everything we see?

There's even a Jesus story, told me by a Sufi friend (he may have hung out with such, during those er sabbatical years):

Seems that Jesus was walking along a country road with companions. They passed a dog that had died, its coat mangy and otherwise not a fine specimen. Jesus stopped.. as the others averted their eyes from this unpleasant sight, saying ~ Look! Look at those magnificent teeth..! Aren't they Beautiful ?!

I can suggest only that you consider the noise level - that which you note daily now and, what you remember as a kid and since. Every 'news'fotainment is filled with sensational versions of the worst; it is absolutely the kernel of all journalism that:

No one ever reports that, citizens in Black Dog MT today experienced a pleasant day, had a large picnic and thoroughly enjoyed selves. There were no trafic accidents or arrests and the local Police Chief quietly paid the hotel bill of a visiting Malawi girl who had lost her wallet.. Samantha Clark found her lost car keys under the seat.

(Nor interview the Jews and Palestinians who have earned each others' trust and friendship (well, a couple times on PBS I've see those stories)-- these have no microphone nor agenda, and are therefore: uninteresting for filling the airtime in between ads.)

All the stuff we BS about here is ~~ about the 'allegory of the caves' :-\ufffd We are dissecting the shadows on the walls and ascribing meaning to these, noting the newsfotainment of the day and 'straightening Them out'.. It's an exercise of course - but we are not discussing anything like, 'The Real'. IMhO.

Apparently the way to take shadows less seriousy, to calm the ever-automatic chattering mind is.. to first reduce the surrounding noise as much as you practically can. If music is a passion and not just a background noise you prefer, to the standard environment - music you love is still about.. well, love. Sometimes silence is better.

Whatever thousands of volumes have been written about psych and dreams - assuredly the same mind-chatter is common to the waking dream er state and the more sleepy one; I'd infer from that - if you can find a way to ignore an unusual percentage of the mind-chatter for awhile - awake (?) there's a good chance that the night-version might also become less strident. Both are surely about 'unresolved'/ iffy? ideas which somehow have come to seem important - whether or not there is any basis for that assigned 'importance'.

Note too that one of heroin's more seductive qualities is that.. none of the daily 'concerns' are seen as currently 'being important' - at all. 'Peace' is perhaps the closest non-chemical synonym for that state, and it is clear that most every homo-sap yet interviewed: relishes that (rare) experience we call 'peace'. (The drugs only give one a glimpse - the more unfortunate addicts are among those who imagine you can 'stay there' by so simplistic a means).


New You're being overwhelmed by the media
Consider: in 1914 or 1939, if the present level of media coverage had been in existence, wouldn't you have felt nearly the same emotions?

Trouble has existed for humankind since the first protohuman thought of an axe, or a spear. This is nothing new. It was MUCH MUCH worse during the 1950's and 1960's. Consider those living during the Cuban missile crisis. That must have been hell. Consider those fighting in Vietnam. That was hell. Consider the Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973.

Chill out. Things are not as bad as you are seeming to see them.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
New I'll have to second this
Third, actually, since Ashton alluded to it. But I'll put it in more concrete terms:

Stop watching the news.

No, really. Just don't turn it on. Will you feel guilty for not keeping abreast of current events? Trust me, they'll happen whether you know about them or not. Remember the scene in Apollo 13 where they're about to make re-entry and someone tells the mission commander that there's a typhoon entering the splashdown area? What's his response?

"Can they do anything about it?" "No." "Then don't tell them."

If you really can't do anything about it, like the Middle East, why are you so concerned with keeping abreast of it? I've stopped reading those threads here because I just don't have the time and energy to care about everything. I only keep up with the politics threads that I think are likely to affect me personally.

If Ben Tilly's around some time, ask him about living without a TV. I'll bet he doesn't feel like he's out of touch.
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
New hands clapping (nt)
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
New Stop taking life so seriously.
It isn't like it was permanent, you know.

So you're a nut case - so am I, and so is everyone else you're likely to meet. That's just the nature of the beast. If we ever have machines complex enough to do what we do, they'll be nutcases too. guaranteed.

Even so, many magnificent things are created, and a whole lot of people have a good time. This is stuff most technologists don't see enough of because technology is too narrow, too time consuming and takes itself too seriously.

Yes, there's plenty of bad news going around, but the reason it's news is it's exceptional. Most people don't have any personal involvement in this stuff, even in Israel.

So concentrate on making things around you a bit better, and trust others to do the same where they are. The job is getting done, slowly, and sometimes there's backsliding, but it's getting done. Everyone is on the way to becoming God (whether they like it or not), and eventually, everyone will get there. We have whatever remains of eternity to do that.

Time is a conceit of our perception - everything that has ever been is forever.

New Yup. That too.
New And even if "Rome" *does* "fall", remember:
The *real* Rome *did* fall -- and we've made it this far, anyway. It's not as if The End Of Civilization As We Know It was necessarily the same as the end of the world.

(Personally, of course, I cope by just ignoring deep shit like this most of the time -- just like every other unthinking schmuck. Why, what did you think; that there's supposed to be any *other* way? :-)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Get away for a day. Take a walk in the woods.
Hi Thane,

I can't stand TV most days for some of the reasons mentioned. And it's hard, because I'm an information-a-holic.

You're in a beautiful part of the country. Wake up early some Sunday morning and go for a drive out into the hills. Walk around for a few hours; have a simple lunch. Take in the sights and smells. Think about how beautiful everything is that you're seeing and smelling.

You might want to stay away from Mt. Ranier though, what with the glaciers melting and so forth, and the forest fires, etc., etc. :-)

Seriously, it's easy to get caught up in the bad news out there. But things are getting better. We're very lucky to live in the time and place we do, even with all the bad things happening. E.g. We didn't have to spend several years in the military like many of our parents did...

The world will go on if you don't watch TV or play computer games for a week. Try it. Spend that time walking around and looking at the beauty in life instead.

Hang in there. Best of luck.

New turn off the tube
dont read newspapers and stay out of the political and religious forums here and elsewhere. Find some mindnumbing physical thing to do like heavy yard work. Call the local habitat for humanities and find out if they have a project soon. The less things you have to think about the better right now. Ease back in slowly.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Re: Not doin' too well...
Get yerself on II and shoot the breeze. Highly therapeutic :)

Or contact me (ICQ: 85528105, MSN: pwhysall@hotmail.com, Jabber: ethicsgradient@jabber.org, AIM: TheCargoCult, YIM: TheCargoCult - thank the stars for Trillian and Gabber) and we'll have a natter.
Shill For Hire
New Cheap Advice or Advice is cheap
I read everyone's advice. Good stuff. And I'll still add my comments.

I was in the Army (active duty) during Nam. On standby for insertion during the 1973 Israeli war. Worried about being activated from the Army Reserve for the Gulf war.

I've been married, divorced, remarried. Current wife fell while doing working in our garden, and now is in a wheel chair because she can't move her leg and the doctors cannot determine why.

I've worked for good bosses, bad bosses and I've been the boss.

So what do you do?

Take pride in your work no matter how insignificant it may be. Just because everyone else thinks the job/company/boss is worthless, do your best because it's your job.

Realize that you cannot change the world overnight. Let others worry about Isreal, South America, Minnesota, and the other half of your city. Become involved in a local community group or neighborhood watch. There you can have an impact.

Take joy in your family. Realize that no matter how bad the rest of the world is/becomes, there will always be someone there who thinks that the world revolves around you. Don't neglect the home life. Take a walk, mini vacation, something unexpected to please your family. It'll be appreciated and you will feel "better" because you've pleased someone else.

Lastly, volunteer for something. I am a volunteer instructor for the Red Cross. I teach CPR/First Aid. I get great personal satisfaction from knowing the I may have help save someone's life. And it becomes real when one of my students comes back to tell me that they had to use the skills that I taught them. I know the Red Cross is always looking for volunteers. Choose something that is NOT related to your daily job. You should have something that is different. (YMMV).

You are doing the right thing by "talking" about your feelings. I've maintained my sanity (open to debate!) by allowing others to help me carry the load. Talking and listening. Don't have to accept their advice. Most times just the act of admitting you have a concern/problem and telling someone will ease the strain.

Good luck.
New Well...
1) I've already stopped reading the newspaper, turned off the TV, and unplugged the radio. I still overhear enough of it to give me %#@#% nightmares.

2) Changed my .sig. ^_^ Still somewhat morbid, but hopefully a bit better.

3) I think all this moping about world events has more to do with me not wanting to confront core issues with myself - avoidance is something I've always had a problem with, as well as procrastination.

4) Taking a break isn't really an option - at least, not until I get done with school. I'm afraid if I take a break, I won't go back and finish it - just like with what happened the last time.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New You can add...
...talking to yourself to the list...since you are responding to your own posts now... BIG :-)

Here's the plan...

Plug the TV back in...ARC WELD the tuner to Comedy Central or the Cartoon Network...your pick...

Go see Rush Hour 2 at the movies...or maybe Rat Race...something funny...

Go to a Comedy Club....

Laugh...learn from comedians how to find humor in tragedy...

and concentrate on the things you can effect...if you're putting something off...sit down and right yourself an action plan...nice little steps and date the steps....then take the steps on the appropriate dates....don't try to remember them...right them down and post them somewhere obvious...but make sure to leave your allotted time for Comedy Central...the local comedy club...cartoon network...whatever...

Smile...laugh...consider this sound medical advice.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Agreed!
I'm a cartoon-a-holic, and keep my TV on Comedy Central, as well. My wife thinks I'm just a big kid, and well... I am, dammit! What's wrong with that? :)

I'm amazed at how out of touch I am with current events sometimes. I'm not big about watching the news, and what other time I have I tend to try to spend it working on projects and learning new stuff.

Media definitely sensationalizes everything going on. That's their job, that's what they do.

I think it's natural to get into a vicious cycle once you get yourself down. You tend to just sink deeper and deeper.

The minute I start to get down, I just make myself go do something.


My pid is Inigo Montoya. You "killed -9" my parent process. Prepare to vi.
New Don't get me wrong...
...I know whats going on...I'm an info junkie...the 'net makes it possible to keep up...plus I get talk/news radio on the daily commute...but it helps to buffer that with things like "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central...that takes all that tragedy and makes you laugh about it...in spite of yourself even.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Lots of good advice given.
I'll add one thing - count your blessings, i.e. think about the things that are as they should be. Your have a family that loves you. You have a place to live. You do have a job and are providing for your family.

That's the important stuff.

You also have some friends.

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.
-- Anne Frank
Expand Edited by a6l6e6x Aug. 17, 2001, 05:48:44 PM EDT
New On that friend note.
Other than you guys, I can count my friends on one hand, using base 6 (no trickyness with binary!), including my wife, my cat, and the family members I get along with.

Other than that, I'm trying to take the advice.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New a friend will help you move
a real friend will help you move the bodies, I can count mine on one hand as well. Dont mix up aquaintances with friends. We are all friends here but are limited in how we can help each other. A real friend is a treasure, they dont come down the pike all that often.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New You get the lime, I'll bring my own shovel, OK?
"The trick to dumping bodies is that it's just like the real estate business: Location, location, location..." -- Carl Hiaasen (IIRC).
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Got some space here.. but mind you -
not too near the creek, OK?
The family that preys together..
Stays together.

A service of the Evangelical Executioners Network Inc.
Registered Faith-based Charity #7734 \ufffd 2001 and beyond

New What with Hiaasen being a (or _the_?) Florida writer...
...it's usually not just "near", but *in* the "creek".

That is, the 'Glades.

Or, preferably, in a croc or 'gator in the 'Glades.
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New chained under the mangrove roots
just where the gator stores his food. Ya just put it in his natural cupboard.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Unfortunately, I don't recall your religious persuasion...
... but that has only delayed me suggesting you speak to your local pastor. They should be a trained councillor (or know someone else who is) whom you can see for no charge.

And can I recommend some anime for you... go find The Wings of Honneamise - buy it if necessary! - and watch it in one sitting.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New (All Honneamise did was make me angry)
Better qualify that - it's irrespective of the religious content of it. In a world full of injustices, the last thing I would want to see is a rape scene where the woman apologises afterward, claiming it was all her fault. Sorry but those scenes still make me cross just thinking about it.

And besides, the movie was extremely slow an very eff dash dash dashing tedious. In my (and those I watched it with's) opinion.

Guess this isn't the place to be discussing it though. Think happy thoughts. Like the way your life is getting ever better whilst you haven't been subjected to Honneamise :P
On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
Expand Edited by Meerkat Aug. 19, 2001, 04:11:58 AM EDT
New Look at the *bright* side indeed..

A friend raved on and on and.. re Chick Corea (sp?).

Let her take me to a concert. Believe string players call it noodling when yer kinda just tryin out sounds and.. lookin' fer loopholes; just lookin fer loopholes (?)

Anyway.. what I guess he calls innovation ;-) er improvisation - soon came to be, for me: the aural version of Aleph-null, endless extravagant sounds signifying *nothing* (well, to me anyway) but worse: a hostile *nothing* :( Enough to want a martini with a cockroach for protein, like Guy Noir's fav.

For ~first time re 'arts' - it evoked in me: anger! That of the student trapped by an autodidact! or by a stranger at the door who might launch into explaining the Universe as it's Spozed to Be.. Smugly, beatifically sing-song. Before asking if I wanted to know that trivial piece of misinformation.

But such events Do have their silver lining! The sky never looked so bright and inviting! when finally I got out of that auditorium and felt..

Freee.. Freee *At Last* !!

And realized too.. never would I have to go through That again, at least while able to move one eyelid and blink twice.. for NO. {sigh}
(But at least.. he didn't have an overblown alto-sax for accompaniment.. too.)

('Course too - says nothing re Mr. C. and his art and those who like it. Just bad chemistry twixt Us-two I guess. Still and all - the feeling of "relief" is its own reward :-)

Ashton Critic

ie it's tough recommendin stuff to Us Cranks\ufffd, y'know?
(Dunno about the one above, but if that rape scenario is as you say (?) it might glaringly bring out a subtle 'conservative' er reactionary idiocy of the culture -- which would be much like that live cockroach in yer martini. No?)

New waal his older stuff was good
many things that sound good on tape suck live while others shine live and suck in the studio. I think I would rather listen to birds warbling than new age jazz. The fresh air is good and ya can turn on the mower if ya dont like the tunes.:)
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Notice I've never suggested you endure it again.
At least you had the grace to see it once, for which I thank you, but I can accept you didn't like it. Inthane, on the other hand, I think would enjoy it.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Saw it, liked it.
I actually watched wings a long time ago - it was a good film IMO. Kinda "the Right Stuff" set in an alternate universe.

As far as the whole rape thing goes - I got the feeling from it that the author was trying to show the flaws implicit in all people - that even the hero of the story, after going through this huge transformation from a lazy slacker to somebody who actually gives a damn about something, still has the monster inside of him that we all do - that he can still fall from grace.

The woman's apology might be a more cultural thing - but I took it to show that she was weak as well - trapped within the ideology of her faith, and unable to look to the new horizons that were being opened by the events unfolding around her, just as nobody else did.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Ah. Thought you might have.
But the attempted rape scene wasn't why I pointed you to it (Meerkat happens to have identified this scene as pivotal as to why he doesn't like the movie...). I was thinking of a different scene when Shiro goes out to visit Riquinni and she's not there. But Marna is. And what Shiro confesses to a fairly oblivious Marna is that she gave him hope. Hope that we can transcend all the pettiness that so involves life on this little mudball. :-)


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Compared to?
Been havin' a lot of nightmares lately. Typical apocolyptic, end of the world crap that ends with my death. About one every 2-3 nights, and I can't get back to sleep after that. I've been slacking off in my classes, blowing off work, blowing off housework, blowing off everything but steam.

Lack of sleep is a bad thing - and perhaps what you should take care of first. If you are having nightmares, perhaps it is because your mind needs to. The analogy I've always held is that the mind (perhaps the wetware, too) is doing maintenance on itself, and dreams are side-effects of that. They don't necessarily need to make sense; they don't need to connect with the waking world. I know it's a cliche, but try warm milk. Perhaps try sleeping in a different spot for a few nights!
I'm beginning to feel more and more like there is no hope for humanity. Witness the bullshit in Israel (still going on), Yugoslavia, now in Central America (2-3 nations complaining that each is planning to invade the other), United States (Cameras, lawsuits, corporate ownership of damn near everything), Shrub, hell, the world just does not make me feel like we have another 100 years. Rome is falling, and the Dark Ages are coming.

So what's the point of trying?

The world, IMO, is doing what it always does - go on.

So - what's the point? Why put any effort into anything?

For yourself. For those you care for. For possibilities. Humanity's hope comes from those that don't 'give up' - those that make the effort even when it doesn't seem necessary, or 'worth it'.

Of course, it's hard when you care about 'things'. Worse when you care about concepts... Disappointment is always going to occur when you compare your version of what should be to what is. Take some time to actually notice, and savor the things in life you enjoy! It's prolly a good thing if your 'local perspective' holds a more important place in your life than political/philisophical constructs, and things you can't immediately affect.
I'm trying to hold on - to keep fighting the good fight, telling myself that no matter what happens, I'll maintain my honor if I try.
It sounds like you are getting to repel a charge of machine-gun-toting fascists *grin*
But I'm working at Microsoft AGAIN, I don't see any way that I can make significant change in the world with the line of work I've picked,
Work is a tool. You use it how you can, and if it's not the tool you need to make a signifigant change in the world, well, so what? It puts food on the table, no? If you really do feel the need to change the world, well, so what if you can't use your job as a vehicle for that?
and I'm feeling further and further lost each day. And I can't find my way back.

Lost? Find your way back - where?

Remember, to quote Buckaroo Banzai: "No matter where you go, there you are!"

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New The right solution to a world with nothing of worth is...
Create something that is worthwhile.

Sure it won't be permanent. Nothing built by human hands is.

But when I believe that transitory things are not worthwhile, I will stop listening to music...

New *smile*
I agree! The problem is the definition of 'worthwhile'. I just don't think that the measure of worthwhile should be external....

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New We know what isn't, maybe (Ozymandias of Egypt?)
Behold! ye mighty and despair!
...and all about lay ruins..

My sense is that our culture is somewhat afraid of silence, constantly mistakes solitude for aloneness - fears silence so much that - there is elevator unmusic noise everywhere, everywhen.

The magic within the horror of the JFK asassination was - the (now) memorable *silences* as the camera showed the Rotunda or whatever: people *apologized* for breaking that silence, with some new factoid. The networks Shut Up for more than three days! The talking heads desisted, became minimalists when that seemed appropriate.

Maybe missing in childhood more and more? the quietness of being read to! (via the 24/7 office; the need for two parents to bring home a lesser paycheck than one did, 20 years ago - as Corps further intrude into all of the 24 hrs. as temps are sought, benefits reduced - and no National health care exists, Still. yada yada.)

Makes everone twitchy. (Were I ill, I would be twitchy too: no matter how much you think you saved: Your Money or Your Life.) No one can save as fast as an AMA org can spend!

Fortunately music can heal whatever.. probably the effects of sleep-deprived dreaming also. The solitude will have to be discovered later, if it was missed in the middle.



(It's *All* inside! The 'outside' simply wouldn't exist if it weren't perceived Inside) Basic Dark Star 101
New Well, seems to me that if what Ozymandias . . .
. . thought worthwhile was to be remembered, he succeeded damned well. 3000 years or so is more than most manage - and now, preserved in literature, his memory is likely to last as long as Western civilization (three or four weeks more at least).
New Arrhh.. Arrhh... Blast yer eyes! ya scurvy scow flotsam -
Grygus Unfair to Simile Writers!

Strike! Dump his namby-pamby Eunuchs machines for New Professional ones..

Well of course he did - because of the happy accident of Erato, the Muse of Lyric Poetry + Keats and the ephemeral Arts. But not via his er (sorry) paradigm at all!

*Keats* is the immortal - he a mere vehicle, a tiny bauble of failed Ambition - existing as a barnacle on that large Vessel. A mere Butt for future generations' obloquy!

So There. :-\ufffd

er re the 3 weeks: See Science forum. Can we make it to 60 years after Alamogordo / Trinity ?
56 years, one month, 2 days and counting... .. .
New I'm sure Ozymandias used poets . . .
. . . for his own aggrandizement while he was alive, too. Alas, their works were too fragile to survive. In the long run, the stone masons did a better job, passing his name on to another generation of poets who's own work has been committed to acidic pulp and magnetic media.
New Cackle.. cackle..
Ozymandias as Waggener-Edstrommmm-BC, a plannin his search for Market Share\ufffd..... maybe he even wore a er tie? blue-serge armor.
New Some ideas that work for me
Some others have pointed out that the bad news is news because mostly life isn't like that. The good is mostly dull, quiet, ubiquitous. Tolkein pointed out that good times make bad stories. I don't remember the exact quote - he's describing, I think, the time at The Last Homely House.

One thing that producing art does for me is force me to focus. It helps that I specialize in arts that can easily maim me, but even when I'm wimping out and using non-lethal things like pencils, I'm focusing on the topic at hand. I'm seeing, often for the first time, that the curved plane where the nose meets the eye socket on this particular face is just so, and isn't it the most amazing thing ever, and this shadow on the paper or wood might capture it with just one more stroke right here...

Write down, or take pictures of, or draw, the pointless minutia of your life. That brings the fact that it is not pointless, it is YOUR LIFE, into focus. Your life is how the sun hits the table you eat at, the exact shapes of the pupils of your wife's eyes, the way the rain sounds on your window. Not the fighting in the Middle East, not even Microsoft's latest crime (unless you did it, which I doubt). The virtue of humility is not in the "aw, shucks", not "I am not worthy". It is in living your own life. That other stuff isn't yours. Let it go, and grab your stuff.

One very practical thing I noticed recently: I need conversation with people my own age who are in the same room. This networked community stuff is great, but it does not fill that need. Thursday, I was noticing myself starting to go into a depression. Got an email from the test lab in the other building that they were throwing out old equipment, so I went over to scavenge, and ran into colleagues I hadn't seen in a while and got to talking. Not about how I was feeling or anything, just general stuff. And I felt a lot better. Then I realized that, except for places like this, I've been efficiently communicating relevant information, but haven't had a good adult conversation in a while.
White guys in suits know best
- Pat McCurdy
New The best way to feel good about yourself
Help someone else. Go volunteer as an afterschool tutor, get involved in a literacy program, help out at a soup kitchen, cut the lawn for the old lady down the street. Use your talents to make life better for someone else and your own becomes better.

Altruism rules.....
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
New 100% agreement
OK, you're all getting tired of hearing me talk about the AIDSRide by now, I'm sure, but I can say that it was a totally empowering experience for me. The self-confidence that I have now is amazing (and I wasn't exactly short on it before the Ride). I know that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

Volunteering is a powerful tool, both for the recipient and the donor.

"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by the skeptics or the cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need people who dream of things that never were." - John F. Kennedy
New 2nd that notion
You're a hardware guy right? I'll bet there's a school or two near by that could use some help with their computers. or maybe the public library has a network they'd like some help with? My sense is that you don't feel your talents are appreciated at work. That's quite common. The best solution, as Don says, is to find a way to use your abilities for people who appreciate it.
Have fun,
Carl Forde
New re that dearth of biz-'appreciation'
Could this be part of the 1O K-lawyers/sq. mile society? or perhaps the mushroom sub-division of that:

..If we tell him how good he is - he might only work 22/7, or want more money...


Just wondering how the bizness mind works (for certain valu-

     Not doin' too well... - (inthane-chan) - (43)
         You can't fix everything. - (admin)
         Well.. (a decidedly good direction) - (Ashton)
         You're being overwhelmed by the media - (wharris2) - (2)
             I'll have to second this - (drewk) - (1)
                 hands clapping (nt) -NT - (wharris2)
         Stop taking life so seriously. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             Yup. That too. -NT - (Ashton)
         And even if "Rome" *does* "fall", remember: - (CRConrad)
         Get away for a day. Take a walk in the woods. - (Another Scott)
         turn off the tube - (boxley)
         Re: Not doin' too well... - (pwhysall)
         Cheap Advice or Advice is cheap - (jbrabeck)
         Well... - (inthane-chan) - (3)
             You can add... - (bepatient) - (2)
                 Agreed! - (jlalexander) - (1)
                     Don't get me wrong... - (bepatient)
         Lots of good advice given. - (a6l6e6x) - (6)
             On that friend note. - (inthane-chan) - (5)
                 a friend will help you move - (boxley) - (4)
                     You get the lime, I'll bring my own shovel, OK? - (CRConrad) - (3)
                         Got some space here.. but mind you - - (Ashton) - (2)
                             What with Hiaasen being a (or _the_?) Florida writer... - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 chained under the mangrove roots - (boxley)
         Unfortunately, I don't recall your religious persuasion... - (static) - (6)
             (All Honneamise did was make me angry) - (Meerkat) - (5)
                 Look at the *bright* side indeed.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                     waal his older stuff was good - (boxley)
                 Notice I've never suggested you endure it again. - (static) - (2)
                     Saw it, liked it. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                         Ah. Thought you might have. - (static)
         Compared to? - (imric) - (7)
             The right solution to a world with nothing of worth is... - (ben_tilly) - (6)
                 *smile* - (imric) - (5)
                     We know what isn't, maybe (Ozymandias of Egypt?) - (Ashton) - (4)
                         Well, seems to me that if what Ozymandias . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                             Arrhh.. Arrhh... Blast yer eyes! ya scurvy scow flotsam - - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 I'm sure Ozymandias used poets . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                                     Cackle.. cackle.. - (Ashton)
         Some ideas that work for me - (mhuber)
         The best way to feel good about yourself - (DonRichards) - (3)
             100% agreement - (Yendor)
             2nd that notion - (cforde) - (1)
                 re that dearth of biz-'appreciation' - (Ashton)

Shoreline property on Arizona Bay.
153 ms