Even moi can imagine, if along for the ride: being able to Wonder-at and throughout: the 'scary' zenith of each maneuver ...
with pulse at a steady 60 and, simply Enjoying-cheating-death (all at 0-probability). But only with Bob
--assuredly there are many with similar talents--but ..well, you Know.
Once I briefly rode pillion with a Mega-star of off-road m/cycle ridership. After the first moments of sheer-Terror
I was able to convince self to relax and enjoy, via the mantra ... piece-of-cake ... piece-of-cake ...
(and Yes, I Am a physical-Coward re. er, envisioning the meat-ware spread all over a landscape. Still) :-{
with pulse at a steady 60 and, simply Enjoying-cheating-death (all at 0-probability). But only with Bob
--assuredly there are many with similar talents--but ..well, you Know.
Once I briefly rode pillion with a Mega-star of off-road m/cycle ridership. After the first moments of sheer-Terror
I was able to convince self to relax and enjoy, via the mantra ... piece-of-cake ... piece-of-cake ...
(and Yes, I Am a physical-Coward re. er, envisioning the meat-ware spread all over a landscape. Still) :-{