Perzackly..! drook wins the Clarity award. Again.
But I find most annoying--cf. the DMV example:
When an ignoramus-on-the-topic: imagines that you *Can* roll-out, in simple-ass Boolean algebra,
Any fucking thing that pops into your uninformed-on-topic, Brainz!
(And an explanation to such a perp: is ever given grudgingly) ..if you're bound to edjumacate the perp
despite his pompous assholery, in the First place.
At DMV: one realizes that the poor clerk-at-window is NOT the proper recipient) of your urge to say
~~ Fuck Off! you unclear-on-the-Concept poseur--ever faking it all.
(I'd still like to find out the 'author', that Official writer of shit), designed to maybe NOT renew a Permit,
Evaluating: that which you have safely accomplished since--one's first bicycle, actually.
/ {{Sheesh!}}