Post #437,623
12/9/20 4:12:08 PM
12/9/20 4:12:08 PM

I mean the story of pushing down on the stick to go up, never heard that
Post #437,630
12/9/20 5:03:35 PM
12/9/20 5:03:35 PM

It's about the ~'reversal of the aerodynamics' of a conventional wing design on/near Mach(o?) 1
I'm fuzzy about when/how: that seat-of-pants info got to be both verified ..then adopted (eventually, into the later designed-for-Mach-1+ wing, fuselage shapes). Clearly, Yeager's flight was before this Trick's discovery--so had only his own Imagination (and the at least, fresh design of that rocket-plane, perhaps better than anyone realized just then (?)
I no info yet of the When? of these realizations, but: imagine ..the er, "denying Force" in brain: of say, being in a Boeing MAX* heading downwards ... and pushing the stick forward! did that first pilot--working simply from his Imagination. (* Bad example of course): That 'remedy' would not have cancelled-out the brainz-dead SIngle-point-of-Failure of the MAX's aerodynamical-kluge, for obvious computer-overriding-reasons.
(Likely I'd not fly within one of the ~corrected 'solutions' du jour); believe that the ∑-$$$ LOSSES alone--dictated that Boeing+FAA du jour: must promote this, now hump-backed-whale with built-in instabilites as follow that heavy engine swap: the clear ∆ at source of it all). But what do I know re aerodynamic subtleties, eh?
Post #437,631
12/9/20 5:08:15 PM
12/12/20 12:06:46 AM

I imagine the sensation is like when you become conscious of countersteering a bike

Edited by drook
Dec. 12, 2020, 12:06:46 AM EST
Post #437,634
12/9/20 6:21:53 PM
12/9/20 6:21:53 PM

Nice catch--two-wheel dynamics oft seem *perverse*
I recall a clash 'twixt moi re DMV drivers tests--re bikes:
They invented some koan re whether you pull-up? or -down? in some weird Ex. I realized that, sitting astride my stopped bike: Only my muscle-memory had forever kept me riding; I could not translate the words of this silly script into: What Got Done by the body (gravity + centrifugal +) re Where?/How? do you Press-instantly on handlebars!
Try it sometime: por moi, Words failed. Kinda like trying to describe how-you-spit? re ..lungs, mouth embouchure etc. :-/
Post #437,653
12/10/20 9:42:51 AM
12/10/20 9:42:51 AM

now you've added something else to my consciousness
Counter steering? What the hell is that? multiple Google and YouTube videos later I realize I always did it I just didn't know I was doing it. So I guess I'm conscious of it now.
Post #437,659
12/10/20 12:54:55 PM
12/10/20 12:54:55 PM

No, now you're *aware* of it
You'll be conscious of it the first time you're on a bike and push right to go right.
Post #437,674
12/10/20 5:04:45 PM
12/10/20 5:04:45 PM

Perzackly..! drook wins the Clarity award. Again.
But I find most annoying--cf. the DMV example: When an ignoramus-on-the-topic: imagines that you *Can* roll-out, in simple-ass Boolean algebra, Any fucking thing that pops into your uninformed-on-topic, Brainz!
(And an explanation to such a perp: is ever given grudgingly) ..if you're bound to edjumacate the perp despite his pompous assholery, in the First place. At DMV: one realizes that the poor clerk-at-window is NOT the proper recipient) of your urge to say ~~ Fuck Off! you unclear-on-the-Concept poseur--ever faking it all.
(I'd still like to find out the 'author', that Official writer of shit), designed to maybe NOT renew a Permit, Evaluating: that which you have safely accomplished since--one's first bicycle, actually.
/ {{Sheesh!}}
Post #437,700
12/11/20 5:06:57 PM
12/11/20 5:06:57 PM

It works a lot better if you're conscious of it
The subconscious way works on a bicycle but things rapidly deteriorate on anything faster and heavier. It works for a motorcycle on the Interstate, but if one ever needs to take evasive action, or underestimate a turn ---> weeds, or worse...
Post #437,709
12/12/20 1:51:24 AM
12/12/20 1:51:24 AM

Quite so.. and IMhO, best place to learn: in the dirt, on a small man-handleable machine (also Fun)
(Learned on a tiny Harley-branded 125cc machine), in front of Student House: sandy/loam surface, so no worries as you slide out. Laughing.
Post #437,644
12/10/20 2:21:31 AM
12/10/20 2:21:31 AM

Yes, sound barrier screws up aerodynamics.
The ME262 would go into a dive at the speed of sound. The Germans knew this and were developing a swept wing version to fix this.
Also, a successor to the ME262, which was in the early prototype stage, that the US space program people analyzed and determined would have been able to achieve it's designed speed of 1500 mph sometime in 1947.
Our space shuttle was developed from the X-20 Dyna-Soar program which referenced a German orbital bomber design (in early development) with the top stage based on that fighter plane design.
Post #438,961
4/20/21 12:14:05 PM
4/20/21 12:14:05 PM

Luftwaffe -46:
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who (used to think he) Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #438,960
4/20/21 12:10:45 PM
4/20/21 12:10:45 PM

What, never seen "Cars"? Chuck must'a been Doc Hudson:
"To go left, turn right."
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who (used to think he) Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at