Brandioch, you have a point, from a Western left-liberal point of view.Is that the same as reality?
Keep in mind the result in '92: GHWB told Schwarzkopf to stop before our troops even fully eliminated the Iraqi army, much less threatened Baghdad......Fascinating. But meaningless in the current discussion.
It doesn't matter if the US wants an empire or not. Your original statement was that only a wealthy nation could build a nuke and that wealthy nations do not attack each other and don't build empires.
I showed that there were "poor" countries that have nuclear weapons (India and Pakistan). The reason they have these weapons is because the original technology is 57 years old. Can you tell me anything else that is 57 years old that Iraq or Iran couldn't build?
If what it's going to turn into is "give me money or I'll kill you", Bush & Co. will just go ::shrug:: at it.Hmmm, I don't recall that the hijackers flying the planes into the WTC requested any money. Nor the guy driving the explosives into the USS Cole. Nor the suicide bombers in Israel. They just did it.
So will a lot of the people I hang out with.I'm sure you and they will.
We're 'way better at it than they are, and we've got all those wonderful toys, and we know from the above example -- and dozens, maybe hundreds, of smaller ones -- that the only result of giving in is louder cries of "More! More!" Americans do not have a monopoly on greed and selfishness.Again, I am not aware that ObL has made any monetary demands on the US. Perhaps you can point me to a link that supports your position?
Yes, we've got a lot of people around the world who are living on $1 a day or less, sometimes a lot less.And if you get enough of them together, you'll have a tax base large enough to support The Manhatten Project (circa 2002+).
If we spent the same proportion on weapons as Iraq does, we'd have squadrons of M1A1s at every podunk armory and airplanes like swarms of bees. We don't. We spend a lot of money on luxuries, instead, and fund the weapons out of what is almost literally pocket change compared to the size of our economy.Well, not exactly true. Military expenses are rather sizable in this country. But that doesn't matter anyway. How much does one nuke cost to build?
Which is what doomed the Russians, and is gonna doom just about anybody else for the next couple decades (after that, no predictions -- too chaotic).The Russian economic model doomed the Russians. Central planning just isn't efficient enough. But, again, that doesn't matter. My point was that our next enemy won't even TRY to match us in conventional forces. Well, the next enemy that chooses us as a target. You get WAY more bang for your buck when you take out a US city with a nuke. Why spend massive (insert local currency unit) on building up conventional forces that you already KNOW will not be sufficient?
Recall my ORIGINAL statement about our nuclear policy regarding Russian tank columns moving through Germany?
We didn't even TRY to match them tank for tank. We put a token force there and we let them know that we'd nuke the German landscape just to deny it to the Russians.
So, ObL wakes up and realizes that martyrdom just isn't effective. So he takes a million or so and send lots of young martyrs to school. Just so they can soak up all the nuclear information available. Then, he funds basic research into duplicating The Manhattan Project. And delivers the result to NYC in an unmarked van.
See? No massive buildup of tanks by the Afghans or Iraqi or Iranians or anyone else. No huge defense budget for them.
You get an Iraqi or North Korean choice: spend the money on weapons, and you don't have anything for an economy back home. Meanwhile the US can double its expenditures in a heartbeat; for instance, if they convinced all the suburbanites to give up their SUVs for the military effort, like pots and pans in WWII.Again, you've lost my original point. They already KNOW that the can't match us in conventional forces.
Just like we KNEW we couldn't match the Russians in conventional forces.
Just like our policy was to not use conventional forces.
They use NUKES instead.
Just like our policy was to use nukes, instead.
In a lesser way, it happens closer to home. Mexico has more business jets than the US did before the explosion of "fractional ownership" early this year and its growth after 9/11 -- not more per capita, more in absolute terms.That would be important, if you were talking about nukes rather than jets.
What we pay Mexico for what we buy there would make a nice, lower-middle-class income for just about everybody, but it doesn't get there. It goes to the caudillos and patrons, and the peons eat dirt. Most of the world outside Western Europe does it the same way.So, we're already funding their nuke research, they just haven't gotten around to using the money for nuke research. Is that what you're saying?
The irony there is that your viewpoint was gaining strength pre 9/11.No, the irony is that you've lost my original position and are filling one in now.
We were starting to talk about, and admit, some of the things that had been done over the years when we were contesting with the Soviet Union using proxies.Strange. I've been talking about it for years. Even in these forums.
Much of that was, in retrospect, pretty damn foul -- but a lot of the angst is rewriting of history by ignoring things that were in the forefront of people's minds at the time.Again, nothing I haven't been saying for years.
Do you really think we'd even be discussing this sort of thing in a Stalinist Empire headquartered from Moscow?Ah, the old "My Country, Love it or Leave it".
...which is precisely what those folks were after, and if you don't believe it, go check out the files from the NKVD and KGB that recently became public.Ummm, you're going to have to be a little bit clearer on your verbage. When you say "which is precisely", what do you mean?
Poor people around the world deserve our help, and part of that involves reducing our consumption.Actually, reducing our consumption will hurt the poor people. Take a look at the mid-east 100 years ago.
You ain't gonna find many of us willing to do it at gunpoint, when we're so damn good at pointing guns back.Scenario, ObL builds a few nukes and takes out NYC, LA, and DC. So, what do you do?
You see, your gun-slinging, macho talk is only good when you face an enemy who isn't willing to die as long as he can take some infidels with him.
Which is the flaw in your position. When we faced the Russians, their leaders didn't want to lose their country to our nukes so they held off their nukes.
If ObL did that, whom would we retaliate against? How?