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Dave Levitt

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Security Re: Key Management Systems - (dlevitt) - (1)
Patent Wars and Antitrust Re: Key Management Systems (new thread) - (dlevitt)
Patent Wars and Antitrust Re: Key Management Systems - (dlevitt)
Patent Wars and Antitrust Encryption Key Management? - (dlevitt) - (3)
Theory and Practice of Programming PVCS and the past - (dlevitt) - (3)
Theory and Practice of Programming Revision control comparison - (dlevitt) - (7)
News Picks Or maybe not :-) - (dlevitt) - (2)
Apple Just did a google search - (dlevitt)
Apple Rsync - (dlevitt) - (2)
Apple Syncing macs without '.mac'? - (dlevitt) - (4)
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