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Dave Levitt

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News Picks Big Deck / Small Deck tradeoffs - (dlevitt) - (1)
News Picks Navy Black Shoes - (dlevitt) - (1)
News Picks Brown water Navy - (dlevitt) - (8)
Open Re: OT: dlevitt - Where are you located? - (dlevitt) - (1)
Open Re: Cars: Now & Next - (dlevitt) - (3)
Theory and Practice of Programming Re: How many people work in more then 1 language at a time? - (dlevitt)
Apple Re: GIYF - Specifically Google Groups - (dlevitt)
Apple That's just opening the top - (dlevitt) - (2)
Apple Cracking an iBook case [just opening it gently ;-) ] - (dlevitt) - (4)
Jobs counter offer - (dlevitt)
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I don’t need to see anyone celebrate breaking a huddle…
78 ms