Seems there is to be something of a 'summmit' regarding the increasingly stark plight of (much of the world but esp. Africa) - about money, AIDS, etc. UN Gen. Sec, Bush and many others to attend.
(He tactfully omitted the US's non-payment of dues to the UN, BTW)
Annann spoke of creating occasions for face-to-face with businessmen of the world, of the emergent? 'standard' of IIRC "0.7% of GNP of the rich nations" - a number which reflects the "all in it together" (I paraphrase) fact of the effects upon everyone.. if many more billions --> head further down the toilet into chaos and blind rage.
It seemed that Murican businessmen were quite sparse (or nonexistant?) on that list - but both of them mentioned and praised Bill Gates' recent massive donation re childrens' medicine.. [even I have to *gulp* over that conscience-transplant.. which seems to have taken? How Nice if I have been wrong-wrong, and he has matured actually..!]
It wasn't a recitation of a list.. but, seems that several Euro countries are meeting this arb.'tithe' - the US is not even close (I think he refrained from mentioning exactly how un-close). It may be <1/10th of that. Have to hear more about this planned conference and its agenda..
Believe one factoid was, "2 billions earn <$1 USD/day"; x-hundred millions of [women natch] must walk increasingly long distances - even to get barely potable water. Noone can afford drug costs - not only re AIDS. Some figures given on the AIDS toll in Africa [1][2]
He made the case of (even mere) self interest of the wealthy nations - demanding much more than lip service and (I inferred: often later delayed or diluted) .. aid to arrest a trend which is gathering momentum downward.
He also spoke candidly of the requirement to create means of preventing the hijacking of funds.. in the usual Swiss-bank manner. (Can't recall if a plan or a Wish) -- recovery of some of the funds already in these havens for the rich and also unconscionable. Dunno if there is a plan afoot for some 'worldwide' actions on behalf of the people whose wealth was stolen in the (?) (My thought: however difficult.. about time.)
Despite Rose's occasional prodding, Annann refrained from dissing the US - didn't even mention the Fundamentalist/Ashcrofian recent withholding of family planning = even birth control funds worldwide, along with much else we regularly promise - then fail to deliver (like our UN dues). I note that this last action - has long been a Far-Right aim: to force all beneficiaries of 'aid' to join Right theology or - drown.
Rose and Annann both referred to "this wall" prior to 9/11 - between the rich nations and the majority of world's population living on a fraction of that standard. And the arguments about ~"why it is not charity but enlightened self-interest" for us all to finally act towards some efficient upgrading (my words not theirs) - were cogent and some seemed positively wise (to me).
Possibly 9/11 shall prove to have had some beneficent effects, in time and despite the horrors and subsequent local rewriting of the Constitution.. yeah, maybe we'll get lucky and then again...
[1] Jon Carroll - prolly the widest-read SF Chronicle columnist since Herb Caen died.. had a few wry comments on the Bush determination to fund 'abstinence-only' as a substitute for sex education. YAN theological intrusion into US policy, with the obvious criticisms of defunding the other marginally effective approaches. He mentioned the 3 million AIDS deaths in sub-Saharan Africa by example:
The Giants drew about 3M to Pac Bell Park last year. Imagine slaughteing everyone in the stadium; stacking bodies in Union Square. Now do this for an 81 game season. The bodies will be higher than the buildings surrounding the Square. Etc.
[2] From 2/21 Chron: Sen Jesse Helms (!) Article was headed, Helms apologizes for not joining AIDS fight sooner.
"I have been too lax too long in doing something really significant about AIDS", Helms told hundred of Christian AIDS activists gathered for a conference in Washington. "I'm not going to lay it aside on my agenda for the remaining months I have" in office.
What more can one say?