I didn't imagine my 'solution' was workable, merely an angle on the blame game.
Who DO 'we' blame - for raising a brood of self-obsessed, logo-crazed, often incorrigible asocial twits, even less aware of readin, writin n' rithmetic (let alone history) than their overstressed parents - them Libruls? them Patriots? them ___?
Maybe the only antidote to our present dilemma is (was) - not ever to let it happen.. to this level of dysfunction, anyway.
How soon... before the teachers as are left - begin to leave an untenable situation? Maybe they'd prefer the blatant lying-BS of Corporate over.. the too-large undisciplined class chaos. After all, you must achieve a small success occasionally, to stay with any difficult task.
As a teacher in '02 - how often does that occur?
No practical 'solution' in sight, either.