Post #287,846
6/26/07 8:53:11 AM

In the real world, it doesn't really work that way
freedom of the press only applies to people that can own one. Getting ads on TV is both difficult and expensive, which drastically narrows the field of people who can afford to do so. See, for example, the efforts of adbusters to get ads on TV, even while being willing to pay for it.
Post #287,852
6/26/07 12:12:57 PM

Re: In the real world, it doesn't really work that way
I see your point but rules are somewhat different for campaign ads and I oppose censorship even if there are economic inequities
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]
Post #287,853
6/26/07 12:42:23 PM

The problem as I see it is this:
Freedom of speech should apply to everybody. Everybody being individual humans. Corporations, PACs, unions, and other organizations should not have free speech. They are not people. They are legal constructs. Congress should be regulating them. That's their job. Congress should not be regulating people. In theory, Congress serves the people, not regulates (rules, really, these days) them.
my 0.02
Post #287,858
6/26/07 1:48:56 PM

Nice theory :-)
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #287,918
6/27/07 10:16:02 AM
6/27/07 10:16:34 AM

What part?
The part that corporations, PAC, unions, etc are not people, or that Congress serves the people?
jb4 "It's hard for me, you know, living in this beautiful White House, to give you a firsthand assessment." — George W. Bush, when asked if he believed Iraq was in a state of civil war (Newsweek, 26 Feb 07)

Edited by jb4
June 27, 2007, 10:16:34 AM EDT
Post #287,923
6/27/07 11:10:23 AM

Re: What part?
"In theory, Congress serves the people, not regulates (rules, really, these days) them."
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #287,974
6/27/07 8:56:25 PM

Not sure it was really ever a theory...
More like a goal...
jb4 "It's hard for me, you know, living in this beautiful White House, to give you a firsthand assessment." — George W. Bush, when asked if he believed Iraq was in a state of civil war (Newsweek, 26 Feb 07)
Post #287,983
6/27/07 11:29:14 PM

Lofty ideal perhaps?
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #287,992
6/28/07 6:55:10 AM

Ok, so it's a joke these days.
Civil servant is semantically equivalent to civil master. That's not likely to change in my lifetime. I just wish they'd knock off the bullshit about "land of the free and home of the brave" before games and such. That's also gone forever.
Post #288,002
6/28/07 9:09:34 AM

land of the safe home of the whiners?
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep
reach me at [link||]
Post #288,006
6/28/07 9:20:00 AM

Better, but I'd likely be more caustic.
Post #288,049
6/28/07 10:00:24 PM

Land of the somnolent shopping sheep?
Or if that's too polite -
Land of the assholes who have made Waste their Bizness God's command, and pissed away in 50 years, resources which might have left the species enough time to grow up.
Except - that's too many words for the reduced attention span already accomplished.
Fewer - Die You Motherfuckers. You tossed all the emergency rations into the Marianas Trench, just to amuse yourselves.
Post #288,149
7/2/07 12:32:51 AM

Money tilt
If corporations can buy the airwaves, then the political messages will be tilted toward pro-business ideas because they have the most access.
Post #287,859
6/26/07 1:50:30 PM

So the well heeled should be alowed to drown out . . .
. . the voices of the less well financed? That is neither democracy nor freedom of speech.
Post #287,872
6/26/07 3:50:24 PM

you are either a mass movement that can collectively
anti up the bucks to publish or you are well heeled and anti up the bucks to publish. When has it ever been different? Medium providers need to get paid and our bottom line is expecting great things between now and 2008. thanx, bill
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep
reach me at [link||]