Post #281,084
4/9/07 5:22:54 PM
4/9/07 5:24:49 PM

Not a big ouzo fan, but lately I have been enjoying tuaca

Edited by Seamus
April 9, 2007, 05:24:49 PM EDT
Not a big ouzo fan, but lately I have enjoying tuaca
Post #281,094
4/9/07 5:45:59 PM

That looks good.
Is it more lemony or orangey?
Post #281,108
4/9/07 6:37:22 PM

It is
On the rocks.
It is more orangy with just a hint of vanilla.
Post #281,318
4/10/07 11:41:12 PM

Tuaca Lemon Drop
My best friend from college always serves them when we get together.
Tuaca, Vodka and a lemon drop. Light it, let burn off, then shoot it.
Yum!!! (hiccup)
Smile, Amy
Post #281,361
4/11/07 10:36:56 AM

Yukon Gold
Tried some for the first time yesterday.
Orangey and smooth! I highly recommend it.
Smile, Amy
Post #281,368
4/11/07 11:39:06 AM

Thought that was a potato.
Post #281,381
4/11/07 12:40:10 PM

eh version of southern comfort
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep
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Post #281,385
4/11/07 12:47:00 PM

Are you thinking of Yukon Jack?
The only Yukon Gold I ever heard of was a potato
Post #281,406
4/11/07 2:45:33 PM

guess so
Apparently it is officially named Yukon Jack but those who drink it call it Yukon Gold. (At least, the person I with whom I was drinking called it that and the bartender understood his order.)
Smile, Amy
Post #281,443
4/11/07 7:08:23 PM

My first memorable hangover involved Yukon Jack
Mixed it half and half with pink lemonade (it seemed like a good idea at the time), filled a 1/2 gallon picnic thermos with it and went to a John Prine concert. People tell me it was a good concert.
I wouldn't know.
----------------------------------------- You can fire an at will employee for good cause or no cause, but not bad cause.
Post #281,467
4/11/07 10:00:58 PM

it seemed like a good idea at the time Pink lemonade? Reminds of the days of drinking Bacardi and Kool Aid. Would have loved to have seen John Prine in concert. Sorry your only memory is the hangover :0)
Smile, Amy
Post #281,514
4/12/07 9:56:28 AM

My first hangover
involved beer and cottage cheese. It was not pretty.
Post #281,519
4/12/07 10:20:38 AM

Eeew. Now I have a Very Bad Picture in my head.
----------------------------------------- You can fire an at will employee for good cause or no cause, but not bad cause.
Post #281,527
4/12/07 11:21:52 AM

was that the edible cottage cheese or the visual on the guy?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep
reach me at [link||]
Post #281,535
4/12/07 12:24:31 PM

No guy involved
Just me and a pint of cottage cheese.