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Jobs Do you feel kinda sad? -NT - (Lily) - (4)
The Water Cooler Great. Something to look forward to. -NT - (Lily)
The Water Cooler Actually, they work pretty well - (Lily) - (1)
The Water Cooler Geez! - (Lily) - (1)
The Water Cooler Today I officially crossed over to middle age - (Lily) - (9)
Epicuria and Health I coulda given you one - (Lily)
The Water Cooler There's always wine - (Lily) - (8)
The Water Cooler Was I there doing the limbo? - (Lily)
The Water Cooler Very good news! - (Lily) - (2)
Oh, Pun! That's plain nasty - (Lily) - (1)
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We do, after all, survive every moment... except the last.
98 ms