War? Jeeze - we make all our own enemies
Every single attack we're getting is something we earned through the laws of unintended consequences.
Most of our enemies were manufactured by our own CIA trying to play puppet master.
Iran? Who TF was the Shah? Our puppet. Saudis? We sold out the Saudi people for oil - propping up a backwards kingdom. Bin Laden was trained by us in Afghanistan. Saddam was our puppet too for awhile.
All that fucking James Bond shit we tried to play during the cold war is coming back to haunt us and we still haven't learned that propping up the enemies of our enemies is bad policy. I mean, christ, Ollie North was just in Nicaragua campaingning against Ortega. Have we learned [link|http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/Nicaragua_KH.html|nothing]?
We're at war? Maybe we are but we started it and we can bloody well end it without blowing up every blessed thing that moves. There's a lot to atone for. Nothing succeeds like success, but we have to learn to compete. The US is to world politics as Microsoft is to the software industry, and in both cases the chickens are coming home to roost.
[link|http://www.blackbagops.net|Black Bag Operations Log]
[link|http://www.objectiveclips.com|Artificial Intelligence]
War? Jeeze - we make all our own enemies
Every single attack we're getting is something we earned through the laws of unintended consequences.
Most of our enemies were manufactured by our own CIA trying to play puppet master.
Iran? Who TF was the Shah? Our puppet. Saudis? We sold out the Saudi people for oil - propping up a backwards kingdom. Bin Laden was trained by us in Afghanistan. Saddam was our puppet too for awhile.
All that fucking James Bond shit we tried to play during the cold war is coming back to haunt us and we still haven't learned that propping up the enemies of our enemies is bad policy. I mean, christ, Ollie North was just in Nicaragua campaingning against Ortega. Have we learned [link|http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/Nicaragua_KH.html|nothing]?
We're at war? Maybe we are but we started it and we can bloody well end it without blowing up every blessed thing that moves. There's a lot to atone for. Nothing succeeds like success, but we have to learn to compete. The US is to world politics as Microsoft is to the software industry, and in both cases the chickens are coming home to roost.
[link|http://www.blackbagops.net|Black Bag Operations Log]
[link|http://www.objectiveclips.com|Artificial Intelligence]