Re: Days 2 & 3
How about writing an article on it for VOICE so people that couldn't make it this year can see what they missed?
No thanks. I don't write articles. It's not me. It wouldn't be completely positive, that's for sure.
Besides, seeing the response here to a negative comment makes me wonder just how much of what I'd write would make it to print. It's obvious to me that some folks took what I've said personally.
While vendors aren't what makes Warpstock, their participation in the event (in my opinion) does make an impression on the health of the community in general, especially if you've been a past attendee.
If this was your first Warpstock, it went fairly well. If 2003 and 2004 were as bad as I've seen a couple people comment on, then this was definately a great year. Nowhere to go but up, and all that.
If I'm making a comparison of Warpstock 2000 to Warpstock 2005 based on vendor participation, I'm very concerned about how much longer the event can continue on. I don't think that's an unreasonable observation.
Now, maybe my opinion would have been different if I had attended the 2003 and 2004 events, but I remember things as they were in 2000. I expected a drop-off, but had no idea it was in its current state.
I'm a home user now. I don't do consulting work anymore. I've pretty much lost interest in the computer industry in general. It's just gotten too depressing to have to deal with Windoze environments to make a living. There's no joy in it. It's the same shit all the time. I'm also so far behind the curve that I couldn't get back in the game even if I wanted to.
I sit here day in and day out, using what I consider to be the best GUI platform out there. I use Windoze ocassionally. Linux has come a long way, but the UI still leaves me wanting. I always find myself back in OS/2 at the end of the day; sometimes, at the end of an hour.
I don't see a lot of sessions at Warpstock geared to the home user. They seem more in line with the computer professional and maybe that's where they truly belong. I'd still like to know there are things I can do with OS/2 other than business.
I'd like to see a session on installing the OS on things that aren't ThinkPads. Something on the order of user-built white boxes and how to solve install issues on them. Maybe even how to get multiple OSes on a box the user built themselves. That kind of session could go on for all 4 days, but I think it would be a hell of a thing to do.
I'd like sessions on MP3 players and rippers, Bit-torrent clients, DVD players, digtal camera interfacing, and what Mozilla / Firefox extensions are available and work in the OS/2 versions.
I just seems to me that if you're not into programming or keeping the system up & running, the list of "Fun Things To Do With eCS" sessions isn't very long. You can't work all the time, you know.
Anyway, I consider this chapter closed. Pardon my ranting. It's something I've gotten worse at lately.
Or better at. Depends on your point of view, I guess.