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Politics I could tell it was a spoof from the first... - (GBert)
Politics Cetera="everything else", alia="other things" - (GBert)
Regional/World Conflict Well given where they are... - (GBert)
Regional/World Conflict Re: Divide world into 3 parts: (sounds familiar...) - (GBert)
Regional/World Conflict It's a dogpile - (GBert)
Politics The part where they don't like how you look -NT - (GBert) - (6)
Politics Oh that is too bad - (GBert) - (1)
Science Re: so close...yet so far away - (GBert) - (4)
Politics Very reminiscent of Bob Altemeyer - (GBert)
Politics Letting God off the hook is silly - (GBert) - (14)
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Ha Ha - just kidding. We're all Lumberjacks and We're OK!
72 ms