I've been in a car crash that had a high probability of either killing me or paralyzing me. I was lucky enough to walk away with some deep cuts on my head, arms and legs requiring staples and stitches, glass in my eyes and the temporary loss of use of my left arm (about two months or so to regain nearly full strength.) I fought off passing out at the scene and had the mental wherewithal to check myself out physically to make sure I was going to be okay. I've had a few other near car accidents. I've had several bicycle crashes one a concussion that I blacked out from and later went to sleep at home with (didn't know that was a no-no) and several others that I nearly did a header into moving cars. I still drive, allow myself to be driven by others (someone else was driving in that car crash), still ride my bike, still rollerblade despite smashing my wrists during this past summer (very painful!)...

Grow a spine and some balls and just deal with things! It's amazing to see and read about people completely panicing in some situations, a lot of the time completely unjustified.

Quit whining and just deal with shit.