-- or --
you surrender to the imaginations of a Corporate Priesthood and to the scribblings of hundreds-years-old 5th-hand committees generating words from their imaginations - and just 'believe' all those silly God-said-to-Me things ... 'cause it's so much easier to do that, than:

Look inside and Find Out. With sustained effort.
Or to keep silent on 'Truth' - til you have encountered it.

Preach - when you Know, if then..
(The usual form is to wait til someone asks a Question a One can answer.)

Else... it's just more blab.
(Sincerity of Belief - net value: nul)

Knowing that you don't Know - is said to be a higher state than, imagining that you 'know'. That's about what I read Jay to be saying - no cause for apoplexy there..

Otherwise.. yes, there's Something in what you say - above.
So don't mock your own good sense - by violating the implications of what you just said. (You Are smarter than some of your thoughtless automatic responses, IMO.)