Post #135,907
1/15/04 2:03:39 PM

Ross to woman: You must do as I say, else I will be weak, impotent, helpless and generally pathetic.
Were I that woman, the response would be, You will be all of that anyways, why should the world owe you a slave to salve your ego?
The relationships that I know about going back indicate that men were capable all along of destroying families. What has changed is that women aren't as strongly pushed to try and prop up the resulting shams at any cost.
Furthermore no amount of theorizing on your part that, this is how things should be, it is biology! actually makes it so. If you'll learn some anthropology, you'll find out that different cultures have settled on many different family patterns. Many of them having extremely different divisions of power between men and women. We have little evidence about which arrangement is "best" for homo sapiens.
It is very easy to say, Things should be like this! It is very hard to demonstrate that, though. (Unless your demonstration flows from dogma rather than actual evidence. Given the right dogma, you can show anything that you want.)
Regards, Ben
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not" - [link||Stefano Mazzocchi]
Post #135,925
1/15/04 5:33:13 PM

Re: Translation:
Ross to woman: You must do as I say, else I will be weak, impotent, helpless and generally pathetic.
In court this is called "drawing conclusions". Disallowed. And in any case, I have no interest in talking to women, and the less they are around, the better. That is me - I am permanently soured on them - I speak for others, not myself, because their pain is unbearable to witness.
My statement was in reference to the millions of traditionally raised men who can no longer raise their own children as they please, and are at the utter mercy of women because 1) feminists have forced changes in policing that are massively and tragically flawed 2) often they love their wives in spite of all reason. These men have been castrated by their own government and I feel sorry for them.
The actual number of "bad men" is extremely low. Most men have an enormous vested interest in protecting their families, but many are driven over the edge by bitchy, cheating, underhanded mates who constantly use the threat of taking the children as an unanswerable weapon.
I always find it fascinating when athiests reject biology when it is convenient, and invoke "special human dispensation" when convenient.
It is very easy to say, Things should be like this! It is very hard to demonstrate that, though.
Not at all, it's called statistical correlation, and all that is needed is to collect and arrange vast amounts of data.
Post #135,932
1/15/04 5:57:48 PM

I'm going to assume it's the pain and/or drugs
Why don't you drop this until you get better? The analytical side of you is not there just now.
It's really meant as a friendly suggestion.
Get well soon, Hugh
Post #135,933
1/15/04 6:03:06 PM

Re: I'm going to assume it's the pain and/or drugs
Analysis is of no value until the things to be analyzed have been identified. One first has to take the experimental data and come up with a scenario. Society is crumbling under forced abstractions, and I want to know why. I have a theory, and I will go with it until it falls apart.
Post #135,937
1/15/04 6:14:07 PM

And I suggest
that pain and/or drugs are buggering your observations. Perhaps you need to be able to make your observations from a more clear perspective. Your observations are not shared by most, judging from the reactions you have generated.
You need to get well and reconsider your observations. They may turn out to be the same, in which case we can chaffer again. In the mean time, your observations are completely out of my experience and I can make a case that p a/o d are warping your perceptions. I am going to drop it on my end and I hope you will also.
Best of luck and get well, Hugh
Post #135,943
1/15/04 6:41:56 PM

Re: And I suggest
Well I'm sort of tired of this issue in any case. I think I identified the main issue for the time being and am done with it for now.
I spend a lot of time among poor people, and have for some time now. I find when I get home that I am sad and dispirited, as if I had sucked in the terrible gloom that surrounds these folks. The only solution is to avoid contact with everyone as it is impossible to live with their hopelessness.
Post #136,142
1/16/04 1:15:32 PM

Oh, it fell apart long ago.
Post #135,986
1/15/04 9:02:52 PM

We aren't in a court
But if we were, then not only would I have to not draw conclusions, but you would have to show some evidence for your wild claims. What wild claims? Well lemme see: - The actual number of "bad men" is extremely low. Strange. I've known far more than my share if that is the case. My impression is that men are bad about as often as women. Infidelity in men is as high or higher than it is for women, and there is a reason that when divorce laws were eased, most divorces get asked for by women.
- I always find it fascinating when athiests reject biology when it is convenient, and invoke "special human dispensation" when convenient. And when would that have happened in this thread? At worst I disbelieved your unsupported assertions about biology. But the fact that you assert it doesn't make it biological fact. Convince me that your opinions are actual fact, and I'll respond appropriately. But until you do, they remain only your opinions.
- It is very easy to say, Things should be like this! It is very hard to demonstrate that, though. Not at all, it's called statistical correlation, and all that is needed is to collect and arrange vast amounts of data. It is clear that you understand physics far better than the social sciences. As soon as you get into normative statements about what society is better than another you get very complex questions about methodology. How do you define "better"? What questions do you ask, and do they bias situations? How do you collect your data? And so on. Heck, Bill Patient and I couldn't even agree on how to define whether or not the middle class saw their income go up or down through the 80's. And level of income is a far simpler and more concrete question than, "healthier lifestyle" is!
Now to second Hugh, you are sick and stressed. Take a break. Come back when you are in better shape, and we can talk then. Cheers, Ben
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not" - [link||Stefano Mazzocchi]