Note that I have never had any set intentions of being a father - I have enough trouble taking care of me, and have always known that it would be difficult. (I would not be unhappy to have a stable enough situation that raising a kid would be possible. I just haven't seen that as being possible.) So the very people I am arguing for, are not "of me" - could be this is why I see their pain.

Whatever the society wants and which way it goes are nearly irrelevant to me individually - I couldn't wear another skin if I wanted to. But, in an abstract sense, I care very deeply about living in a sickened society versus a healthy one - if for no other reason, because it is so depressing to see so many miserable, hopeless people - but in truth because I am horrified by the idea of futility, that everything that was accomplished was for nothing.

I don't know where you are getting this insecurity thing. Like I said, most of the time I'm scared shitless and nervous as hell, but I got over "insecurity" as I understand that word when I left high school in 9th grade.