that Dell uses the Dell-Dude which appears to act stoned, and this Ellen Feiss girl on Apple's ad also appears to act stoned and also seems to have red eyes and other signs that she is on drugs.

Does it make me happy? No. But it does make me laugh. Also her story about the PC eating her homework makes me laugh as well. Another laugh is that many people have rallied around her and made web sites about her, and her commercial wasn't that great to begin with. It makes me laugh in the same way that the "Airplane" movies made me laugh. You just cannot create that type of cornball humor without basing it on real life situations unless you are really really creative if you know what I mean. Oh yeah, if "Airplane" is too old, consider the "Kung Pow: Enter The Fist" movie. Comedy so stupid and silly that it makes you squirt your drink out of your nose while you watch it. :) Some of the funniest stuff wasn't supposed to be funny, but it is anyway.