Don't forget to check out the foreclosures. You can often find a sweet deal in an established neighborhood for a significant discount. You can look them up on HUD's foreclosure listings. Don't have the url, but you can google it.

Another good book, don't laugh, is Personal Finance for Dummies. I gave a copy to my best friend who was living in a crappy townhouse in Gaithersburg, MD. Within a couple of months, they were building their dream house in Germantown. They borrowed against his 401K for some tax advantages and instant cash. Purchased the house for low 300's, sold it for high 600's after only 7 years!

Also, if you are a vet, there are special programs for $1 move in. Educate yourself about all the options available in the mortgage industry. You will feel more confidant and won't be taken advantage of because of ignorance. (example, separate mortgage insurance policy rolled into the note...just pads the realtor's wallet.)

Good luck and keep thinking positive. You will be amazed at the results.

Love and Peace,