You don't know this, it is only a few weeks old. When you go live, you may have browsers crashing and flaking left and right.

Er, no, we DO know this, because we did a lot of testing, as I mentioned elsewhere. Odd thing, that... when you actually sit down and design something, and test it, generally you don't have sudden problems in the field.

Besides, even if your approach happened to work with this particular application (I can'T verify your jabber), that does not mean that it is the ideal approach to every B-to-B and and intranet application.

And? Have you tried DOM/JS with any applications you claim it can't work with? No? Then you can't make that assertion either.

(If your library gets big enough, it might turn out to resemble a SCGUI browser plug in. You may be growing closer to SCGUI without even realizing it. However, people outside your company will be re-inventing such wheels over and over.)

Imagine that. We've come round full circle. I remember telling you a long time ago that there isn't anything you can't do with DOM/JS that SCGUI is intended to fix, and you just confirmed the possibility.

As far as reinventing the wheel goes, you're one to talk, Mr. I Have A "Browser" That Completely Reinvents Everything Done Over The Past 8 Years On The Internet For No Good Reason.

SCGUI is just another iteration of the whole 3270/5250 wheel.