It would have come to buying new memory (or at least one of a necessary pair) - and since even the "Restore" disk could not even restore MErde on a blank disk.. my guess is that your guess is likely the case: ^*$&#@ memory. They were too cheap to send a populated mb, with vaguely-'tested' mem and CPU. L. (and we) had had about enough.

It's now in the limbo of just-about to file in Sm.Caims, though a local Tee Vee consumer show has twice brought up this charade with Dell-rep(o)s; wants us to hold off a bit more - each Dell PR promised to call L. and straighten out.. unimaginitive liars, those.

(She bought the G-4 and is getting work done)

If... they show her video/sound of my end of the conversation with various droids - I'll have to get an air check and pass on any juicy bits. ;-) Somehow the Simple Baldfaced lie irks me more than.. the massively orchestrated faith-based 'WMD'-sized one -- after all, at the moment, it's a Voice-Voice Personal Lie that has happened! Scum; Billy has sown the seeds well. It's most obnoxious of all - when an intentional dumbth is read off of cue cards, killing any chance for actual joint thought about The Problem. Y'know?

If in the end, this pile of debris doesn't go back.. I'll try to borrow a couple mem chips and give it another go -- thing is.. it booted Knoppix! thus somewhat vetting the cabling, CD and.. memory, less'n Lx is big about RAS-tafarian matters.

Thanks for your interest (I too hate to just drop a puzzle :(


PS - apologies for ignoring the Q - I hadn't marked this forum read in a while, so just missed the new entries.