Except that, all my life I've heard the 'more education' mantra - as being the Largest Perk .. of a rich society with lots of personal time for its citizens.

As we've seen in the US, and for long enough to call it a clear trend: the time that once was availabale (before the 24/7 workday for-both-parents) was hardly employed for becoming more savvy about overseeing one's local or national government, and especially one's local manipulating CIEIOs.

Folks (a decade or so ago) Preferred! the overtime and the extra toys (with less time to play with them) to - say, Owning Your Own Time\ufffd. I saw that as a clear choice in most cases. And by now the 'personal time' has evanesced to the present absurd situation (experienced by most here, if I am able to read correctly).

So there could be no argument about the root-courses in education which you list - but in 2003 and the present local and international circumstances - I fear that any such renaissance shall be delayed yet further. Momentum. There is no fool like an old fool yada.

Believe we're running now and next on Sheer Luck. Things will just "happen to US".

May it hold a while; never mind agonizing about the word deserve..
