Because of the rapid pronunciation of the moderator and less than sterling sound, I missed the connection to THAT "Roy" - speaker made that a long-a sound! and didn't mention the book.. (haven't read Gods.. yet, but it's been on my list)

No argument with your last point, of course. Even were 'we' magically transformed into a nation of adults capable of independent thought, next April 1 -- inertia alone makes that an uncommonly sensical point to note - as in, D'Oh.. Mr. CIEIO.

My sincerest hope is that {simply} Roy is not assassinated. Even soon, as surely is being contemplated.. where such thoughts are a daily mere part of strategy. Too many people Love Her, and more and more are listening.

It's my life-long observation that, those who have accumulated the Most - are most frequently ill; they crave Even More, no matter how large already is that Most-share - of all the (mere material crap + Power) there is.
(Illness is the euphemistic word, of course)

Were Roy's ideas -- as I heard those so clearly expressed re the matter related above -- to galvanize action of the vastly larger pool than the Owning Class (among whom are many with minds too - but more importantly - with developed consciences as the 'ill' people know not of) --

I see generated that Fear within the power-Insane which always leads to actions divorced from any social sense at all. Because they Can. Again.
(Also recently viewed another take on the life of Pancho Villa ;-)

Oh well. Personally, I'd much prefer to go out fighting on such a barricade than to own my own Gated Community and Lear Jet. What could be a more honorable death than that?
