Of course - ever thus, yet the basic physics concept of acceleration, rate-of-Change.. appears to be even further from any daily awareness than mere 'change' demonstrably is.

And never mind the too-early lame judgestimates re a Particular, noticed change, so often taken out of context and examined as if on a forensic slab.. the synergy, (or anti- is that the direction called chaos?) is always least accessible for early noticing - yet - of late, and beginning with Alamogordo on July 16, 1945:

Seems to me that even the majority, ever in search of pious simplicities about all matters: are beginning to notice that *every* entrepreneur's New Wet Dream of Succe$$ contains, always and everywhere a stock of Negative too. If we would merely attempt a somewhat dispassionate guesstimate: Each Time?

No, I don't know how you incorprate such a Radical Idea into the collective unconsciousness..
{Duck and Cover --> RTFM Before Mass Production?}
.. but I would guess that we had best spend a few billions to explore the possibility of er triage.

Before.. The Light of Other Days [Arthur C. Clarke] becomes a pre-history chronicle.

(It might be as much fun as baseball, or Rollerball.)