wasn't this covered by "The Terminator" movies? :)

But seriously, I do think that machines take away jobs, but create other highlly skilled jobs. For example, someone has to repair them and do maintenance on them. Another example is that someone has to design and program them, but that can be done offshore. Repair and maintenance has to be on site, but can be done by a Visa worker just as easily as a native one.

Some machines are seen as failure, like Self Checkout machines in stores that allow people to get away with using stolen credit cards and make it a hassle for others to check out who may have some trouble operating the system or following the security system that tracks items put in bags.

I've heard stories of Doctor operated Robots, so that skilled surgeons can operate via proxy from another state without the need of a local doctor.

Near me there is a robot activated car wash at a nearby gas station. You pay inside and they give you a PIN to use to activate the car wash.

Robots already have replaced humans on assembly lines. A cheap way to keep assembly lines in the USA is to use Robots.

"Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto"