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News Picks Re: I agree with Mr Stratton on the daisy issue - (Seamus) - (22)
Arts and Entertainment The music will outlast us all - (Seamus) - (4)
News Picks Safety Agency Faces Scrutiny Amid Changes - (Seamus) - (31)
News Picks Idaho\ufffds Original Same-Sex Scandal - (Seamus) - (4)
Regional/World Conflict If anyone should be hauled before another Nuremberg style - (Seamus) - (1)
Politics Bush does actually worry about his legacy - (Seamus) - (1)
Politics I just don't get Senator Arlen Specter - (Seamus) - (2)
Regional/World Conflict History Will Not Absolve Us - (Seamus) - (4)
Politics Re: Perhaps. It would be nice to think so. - (Seamus) - (2)
Politics Parody - (Seamus) - (11)
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If the enemy is in range, so are you.
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