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New The music will outlast us all
[link|http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/02/magazine/02rubin.t.html?pagewanted=1&adxnnl=0&adxnnlx=1188738188-lc9erTfh/75r3nStUABAEA|The Music Man] 

Rubin paused. "That's the magic of the business," he said. "It's all doom and gloom, but then you go to a Gossip show or hear Neil in the studio and you remember that too many people make and love music for it to ever die. It will never be over. The music will outlast us all."

The music man is Rick Rubin, the man who founded DefJam, talking about and working with Neil Diamond and it just doesn't seem right. The article is an interesting read about his struggle to turn around Columbia, including getting it and the music industry to embrace the subscription model of paying for music.
New Neil Diamond has written and performed some incredible songs
'nuff said.
New This is true
I even like the stuff he wrote for the monkeys. It just seems wrong for Rick Rubin to be working with him. But, when he admits to be being into magic as a teenager it makes more sense.
New Why is it that even the really smart ones...
can't figure out that the saving of the music business is content and price point.

The "subscription model" is dead before arrival.

I want a tangible asset for my purchase. I don't want to lose access to music because I don't feel like paying for it monthly. Its this attitude of the industry that drives me away. iTunes has hit the pricing model, which is why its so popular...but the record companies still haven't figured out the content part.

The "album" is an art form that the industry forgot while they were chasing the momentary glory of the hit single. CDs with more than one hit single have become an anomaly and not the norm. Radio has fallen into the same trap by playing the same songs every hour on the hour.

At least he's figured out and been consistent about the music...because it is all about the music.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New Well, he himself admits at multiple points that he's not a
technically oriented guy, and that refers to the technique of business too, I suspect.

He does have a pretty good handle on the content part though, and for that we should be thankful; albums by committee suck.
     The music will outlast us all - (Seamus) - (4)
         Neil Diamond has written and performed some incredible songs - (jake123) - (1)
             This is true - (Seamus)
         Why is it that even the really smart ones... - (bepatient) - (1)
             Well, he himself admits at multiple points that he's not a - (jake123)

I usually avoid being a grammar/spelling pedant, but you clearly misspelled “should be shot into the sun.”
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