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News Picks Re: you cannot legislate stupidity and shouldnt try - (Seamus) - (2)
Regional/World Conflict British Troops Withdraw From Basra - (Seamus)
News Picks I tell him to get off also. Nor would I buy him one - (Seamus) - (14)
News Picks Re: you want to discuss the data or just support the puzzled - (Seamus) - (16)
News Picks The agency lawyer who wasn't scheduled to talk - (Seamus)
Politics Re: He almost always plays both side of the issue - (Seamus)
News Picks Re: my apologies, I read the exerpt not the link - (Seamus) - (19)
Arts and Entertainment This is true - (Seamus)
Regional/World Conflict He is not afraid to admit he made a mistake - (Seamus) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict UK troops poised to quit Basra - (Seamus) - (13)
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Why do you hate 16 ton weights?
82 ms