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News Picks You are a piece of work (new thread) - (Seamus)
News Picks If Starr was going after Gringrich - (Seamus) - (13)
Oh, Pun! Asperger is not about attention deficits - (Seamus) - (3)
News Picks NFW are they the same - (Seamus) - (30)
Open Alice Cooper, from Ghoul Rock to Golf Monster - (Seamus)
Sportsball LeMond tesitfies against Landis - (Seamus)
Oh, Pun! I sure hope he doesn't have kids -NT - (Seamus)
Oh, Pun! Do you have a link? - (Seamus)
Oh, Pun! Do you have issues with all Public Health Initiatives - (Seamus) - (11)
Epicuria and Health I assume you mean prefer instead of refer - (Seamus)
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Something smells and it doesnt smell like curry.
160 ms