Some lyrics which are apropos :)
When as a child,
I would wake
At dawn's early break,
My mother'd call my name....
"The day begins anew,
What would you like to do?"
My answer's always the same....
Just let me slee-ee-eep,
For a minute more.
Just let me slee-ee-eep,
For a minute more.
And let me dream,
A dream of luxury,
A dream of terror,
It doesn't matter,
If it's in error,
All the better,
Let me sleep.
When I retire,
I will wait,
Before dawn's early break,
For sleep to reclaim my frame...
The day begins too soon,
What am I going to do?
My answer'll still be the same...
Just let me slee-ee-eep,
For an hour or two.
Just let me slee-ee-eep,
For an hour or two.
And let me dream,
A dream of luxury,
A dream of terror,
It doesn't matter,
If it's in error,
All the better,
Let me sleep.
[switching to major key]
And when I die,
I will wait,
Before the pearly gates,
St. Peter calls my name...
"Your life begins anew,
What would you like to do?"
My answer'll still be the same...
Just let me slee-ee-eep,
For a thousand years.
Just let me slee-ee-eep,
For a thousand years.
And let me dream,
A dream of luxury,
A dream of terror,
It doesn't matter,
If it's in error,
All the better,
Let me sleep.
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance -
Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation.
BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10