\r\n\r\nIf they change their minds, let me know and I'll be all over it. You won't need to ask twice.
\r\n\r\nAs for what happened to my domain... I moved and the ISP blew the move completely. Actually, as it turns out... the way the DSL industry is structured in Canada is kind of arcane. My ISP is in competition with an ISP called Sympatico, which is owned by Bell Canada Enterprises. Bell Canada Enterprises also owns a company called BellNexxia, which has the monopoly on DSL wire provision... that is, they provide the connection from this house to my ISP. Their monopoly is in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. They were playing games... 40 days worth of games. I finally got hooked up about a week ago.
\r\n\r\nI ended up talking to some people about it up here, including a politically active lawyer friend of mine. He's already kicked it upstairs... I was talking to him earlier today and he told me it got really clear really fast to the regulatory bodies that BellNexxia had been screwing around with some companies and making nice to others... to which there is a parent company fiduciary relationship if you know what I mean.
\r\n\r\nWhile I was probably the largest pain in the ass to all the parties concerned while this was going on (I was on the phone every day about it) I wasn't the only person who was having problems... found some guys in Quebec who were in a similar boat. Nothing quite like a clear demonstrable pattern of behaviour on the part of a monopoly damaging real consumers to make the politicians take notice... action makes them look good at pretty much zero risk. My problems fixed now, fortunately, but if it also means that other people don't get bent over than that'll make it even better.