
I'm working (which is no small feat these days) doing embedded systems work for a medical devices company. Doing this through my consulting company.

18th anniversary coming up next month...where does the time go?!?

Have our 21-year-old niece living with us. She is currently going to Junior college here in the area. Pushing (not really the right word...more like encouraging relentlessly) for her to get her A.A. so that she can get a B.A. at a 4-year without having to put up wht 500 people in her classes. First semester grades were 1 A and 3 Bs. The second semester will tell!

Otherwise, simply trying to keep from freezing my ass of here in ChicagoLand 9also no small feat), ad waiting patiently for Golf season to begin around here.

Oh, yes...and posting to IWETHEY when time permits.