and like Newton's notes re fluxions, (IIRC he had an aside ~ "assuming mass remains constant" - which some take to be a prescience of Relativity ;-) I must eat the non-0 resistivity claim prima facie, since E=IR presumes 'DC'! :(
Now as to impedance and the analogues of capacitive or inductive reactance: looks as if we have here not much likelihood of superconducting transmission, rectification? for much beyond milliHertz frequencies. Also kinda amazing data point distributions in the experimental evidence: can one say "straight line"? (The EE ideal is of course, "the straight wire with gain", as some early transistorized amplifier mfgs. loved to spin.)
I have some experience of cryo-vacuum systems, incl. He reefers - but not with superconducting magnets (hands-on). Maybe.. had the SCSC gotten past the pork-barrel brigade, though moving to Texas would have cut it for me.
Now I shall have to imagine Bosons! in practical day-day application.
Nicely complete links. Thanks,