does not transmit EMF across those er "frictionless outer valence electrons?" at precisely C - a velocity indistinguishable from that of the [also impossible to attain] "perfect vacuum". So, I'll take 'never' as a good approximation ;-)
You'll note that 'DC' is the preferred mode of operating superconducting magnets.. and as the electrons dribble FIFO, this question of degraded velocity only appears not-to matter. And it doesn't (!) in these primitive applications.
(And maybe hedge the bet. Given that the trend towards proliferation of a few of those kilotons of fissionable material which we have accumulated for our illusion of security: this fact + homo-sap suicidal tendency pretty much places a Species Survival Limit upon this species' imaginations of the word forever, and by implication never.)
My mere guess is that TANSTAAFL Rulez.