2003 is going to provide us all with an opportunity to learn from the unassailable evidence we will be able to present that gets debunked by Merlin's (I mean Marlowe's) 'filtered facts & fiction' - (almost rhymes with Fractured Fairytales (remember them):-)
Merlin really provided us with a ton o fun until he fnally slunk off (from IWETHEY) into the sewers of Paris.
Cheers Doug
Just wanted to make it quite clear that I am *NOT* saying that Marlowe is Michel Merlin, I am saying he is our 'new' Michel Merlin. I am pointing this out to make bloody sure that noone comes back & claims I 'said' that Marlowe *is* Merlin.
Marlowe has stated here in this forum that he only posts here with one login. On the face of it we have to accept this even though Marlowe has not really established (as far as I can tell) any credibility with anyone else here (except perhaps with Boxley <grin>).
I understand that 'Marlowe' has indicated to some that his name is an alias & that he is on some special 'mission' in defence of the homeland that will 'be revealed at some future time'.
It is possible that as Boxley has hinted, Marlowe is an alias for someone who is in or employed by a contractor in, the REMF & whilst not being trusted with a gun or possibly not fit for frontline duty, may be 'doing his patriotic' bit by stalking on-line discussion groups dispensing the 'truth' to the great unwashed & ill-informed (us).
The fact that 'Marlowe' has this secret has of course (for some of us) created an atmosphere of mistrust - what are this guy's real motives ? - is he just a fruitcake with a messianic complex ? - and one highly amusing possibility, that he is an undercover agent for some military *mission impossible* (for some).
Picture this (pure humour of course)
OFFICER: Right men! I am captain Michael Cyberseek of Military intelligence and I am here to enlist you in a special ops project of utmost importance to out nation. We have good reason to believe that there are terrorist plots being hatched on the Internet and we need YOU rear echelon men to fight a battle back here in the US every bit as important as our frontline troops.
In the months ahead what we are telling you today will make sense. This is going to be a tough challenge but we know you can do it. Are you willing ?
MEN: (in chorus) Hhhunnn!!!
OFFICER: The mission should you accept it, is to join selected Internet discussion groups and to seek out potential terrorists or those you believe are, or may be planning to, act against the interests of our great nation. You with me ?
MEN: (in chorus) Hhhunnn!!!
OFFICER: We also want you to counter any anti-national discussions by feeding these groups with material we will make available to you. If you run into difficulty you can contact a nominated support officer who will advise you on strategy & tactics and techniques for geeting around difficult discussions.
Do I have your support ?
MEN: (in chorus) Hhhhhuuunnnnn!!!
OFFICER: Good. Here are your allocated target groups and some suggested aliases you can use plus advice on getting started.
Now you in the front row, as an example you could call yourself Marlowe and join this particular group where they are known to debate a much wider range of topics that their title suggests.
MARLOWE: But sir I haven't joined in non-REMF discussion group before. How I do I know I can match wits with real IT intellectuals. I'm just a junior network administrator.
OFFICER: I'm telling you don't worry son, the facts we will give you will be so powerful that that you won't need any higher IQ than you already have as a REMF soldier.
yadda yadd yadda ...
Enjoy - DSM