That is the sound I am familiar with, re similar er confrontations with My Gramma\ufffd.. it's the sound of something going over a head at high altitude, all er 'buffered' from notice.
Possibly an answer to atavistic one-liners is a variant of, leave her to Heaven ... in a non-denominational sense, of course.
Still, there is a need for such regurgitations as demonstrate how a mere techno education about logic n'stuff Is Never Enough to ensure the creation (hopefully Real Soon next) of a civilized world - one not based solely upon possession of the biggest penis/Boom-Boom machine.
(Besides, it seems that when the Strange-loves clam up, go under ground and reproduce aseptically -- can Die Neue Horst Wessel Song and Sam Brown belts come far behind?)
PS - we may miss Hating China, as we mourn the loss of the USSR [it was such a perfect Golem!] but bet on it: we'll keep a roster of Evul Ones handy for rabble-rousing by the Lotts and Dubya Dynasties of the future.. they're always with us. In fact many of them: 'govern' us. But these folk do smile a lot.. like our Rev Foulwell (though that one is more like a smarl).
PPS - this just in via magic of Radio:
"Saddam Hussein is a threat to The Murican Peepul"
GW Bush's cheery New Years comment, from very near the stable on his Texas ranchette..