Had that 'Energia' not suffered a Murican-style blow-up
(fortunately under test and not full of people - sent up via a Corporate decision to dissemble) - the first folks on the moon just might have broadcast back ~
Tui grosnya kapitalistichiskaya svinyas !!
While our Redstones were immolating on the pads, Tsiolkovsky's folks had been thinking of these matters well before Herr von Braun and the other V-2 imports were given a free pass to the Land of Opportunism. Russ just didn't apportion funds until - way late. Muricans typ. have No Clue how many Russ were slaughtered in WW-II, a mere 12 years before (leaving aside too, the handicap of living under a Stalin).
I too recall tuning in the beep -- beeep -- beep of Sputnik. Not much ordinary Lab-work got done those few days in '57. Laika - first dog in 'space' yada yada. Calculations all around re the probable thrust, energy needed to accomplish these feats. Belittling those - is the work of pipsqueaks who don't know shit and are constitutionally averse to ever knowing other than highly-filtered Shit.
Marlowe's 'history' is assembled from the same selected clips as every other Jingoist, cast from the same mold as my Gramma (and it's always from somebody Else's careful cut&paste elisions of the embarrassing and expansions on to hubris.) Just like Wagg-Ed.
Oh well,
When the rich assemble to concern themselves with the business of the poor, it is called Charity. When the poor assemble to concern themselves with the business of the rich, it is called Anarchy.
-Paul Richards