We were talking about Wellstone,so I don't buy Box's encapsulation either. I don't pretend to have followed his career minutely, but the few speeches I have read periodically make him: not a Mondale kinda guy IMO. Unfortunate that Mondale is the only replacement anyone in Minn. can imagine. Maybe better that an Ashcroft rerun occur, meaning: let dead guy win again! Let the Gov. pick successor from entire state. (Maybe though, the Repub would shoo in with chants of Unity, God and The Flag.)

The fact that imagination Is this impoverished follows from the general One-Party Republicrat fossils everywhere. That these 'Democrats' have had no guts to perform the duties of the Loyal Opposition\ufffd since 9/11, went ovinely along with the original Welfare destruction bill years ago (as did Clinton, to score points {ugly} via out-Repoing the Repubs) - merely underscores that only the Right is represented anywhere - until another party forms from the wreckage. Any mere moderate rates 'librul' in this surreal scene.

'Two Parties' my ass.


Ignorance is Truth
Freedom is Slavery