[link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0679462945/qid%3D1035585459/sr%3D2-1/ref%3Dsr%5F2%5F1/102-9758380-0892102| The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda]. Obv. riposte to Barry Goldwater's magnum opus.
... The bulk of The Conscience of a Liberal, however, is given over to laying out a political agenda that includes universal health care, reversing welfare reforms, prekindergarten education, raising the minimum wage, and campaign-finance reform. He closes with a call for a new politics: "This is not a conservative America.... There is a huge leadership void in this country that the Democratic Party, emboldened by political courage and a commitment to the issues that made our party great, can fill." Democrats looking for a candidate to support in the next presidential election may want to start here. --John J. Miller
Scratch one more alternative to the One Party with Two Right Wings.
