Re: Xtree has been replaced. Huzzah!
Heh - I think I skipped V2 of SpinRite - was that the one which took forever (as if it were counting Avogadro's number to make up 1 mol of domains?) I think he replaced it with 3.0 for free?
Thanks for ZTree link, bookmarked. I've been using list.com (just today - getting the &*#^*@# ancient .dlls from Iomega replaced with later.) So far, looks as if the ZIP works still, with the later ones needed by Adaptec/Roxio and DVD aps. But list's alien - my brain wants the Tree back.
Will have to read a bit further - it's a 32-bit ap but some of the connections to .zip and other compressors - appear to use .bat files (!!) and even some graphics viewers from XTG-3.0 Ummm.. Anyway for $30 -
Looks as if, when booted to DOS mode, I'd still need list.com -?- for messing with the \\sys items which are locked by share normally, with win.com running. Damn - pity that some X-Tree can't be kludged to work with long filenames and really run in DOS of the Windoze kind.
Guy says he wrote it in C, compiled via M$ C++ (w/o seeing X-Tree source!). A true fanatic.