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Quentin Stephens

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Windows vX.X Re: Oh Jeez, now what? - (qstephens) - (1)
Hardware Re: My "employer" has disabled my USB flash drive - (qstephens) - (5)
Windows vX.X Re: Serious question. - (qstephens) - (1)
Hardware Re: Thanks. - (qstephens)
Hardware Re: Thanks Q. - (qstephens)
Databases Re: Damsel in distress! - (qstephens)
Hardware Re: Thoughts on this Athlon64 system? - (qstephens) - (5)
Jobs Re: Latest version of Resume - (qstephens)
Jobs Re: My employer - (qstephens)
News Picks Re: Vietnamese pilgrims worship dead whale - (qstephens)
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Today’s program has been sponsored by the physical act of gulping. For thousands of years, gulping has been there for human beings when they needed an expressive gesture of the throat. Whether you want to indicate nervousness about an upcoming test or appointment, fear of the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home, or you just want to ingest milk faster than with regular swallowing, gulping is the way to go! Forget sweating, never mind shivering! Sneezing? Ugh! When you think physical actions, think gulping! Gulp now and receive a complimentary prize package, which will be conveniently buried in an unmarked spot somewhere in the Scrublands. Find it, and it’s yours!
51 ms