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Quentin Stephens

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Science Re: Hrm, eh, read post? - (qstephens) - (1)
Science Here's why - (qstephens) - (3)
Windows vX.X Re: Windows IP routing question. - (qstephens)
Windows vX.X Re: NET SEND to all except a few systems? - (qstephens) - (32)
Politics So what? - (qstephens) - (2)
Reviews Re: Film: Return of the King (Minor spoilers) - (qstephens)
Open Re: Looking for a digital camera - (qstephens)
Hardware Re: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - (qstephens) - (3)
Politics Re: History speaks: the effectiveness of protests - (qstephens)
Politics Re: Now...if I wanted to take over the USA - (qstephens) - (1)
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Would you like a wafer-thin dinner mint?
45 ms