Control.____Hmmm___ a seed!
Good word / image. Extrapolation is fun -
I believe that there are always a very few around, who have grokked to fullness [is as good as any]. Believe also that these are invariably ones entirely disinterested in 'control' or any variant - that is, among the few who ever come to be noticed by many other people at all. Wisdom appears to be a nontransferable attainment.
Control implicitly imagines that ~ "one may 'understand' enough to devise a system, force people to abide by certain Boolean-like rules" - and you can call this life and, "a society". Yet in a world in which all our metaphors are about 'opposites', no such set of rules ever satisfies more than just 'most'; frequently a lot fewer - and people are changeable in their wants. So war is our constant vocation (and our model for a business and often.. for a social avocation too).
Organized religions are supposed to fill-in for the missing knowledge, thus the missing understanding. Having been devised by men, to attempt to soothe the angst of not Knowing - those too fail on all counts - including ignoring of the gender differences in certain innate qualities of homo-sap.
So I believe that the entire idea of 'control' is a chimera, is associated only with the crudest possible definitions of 'life': the struggle to get More than anyone around you, thus to accumulate indefinitely. ie Greed redefined as 'progress'.
And so it goes. Funny species, no?
who now returns control of your mind to the bearer, or its surrogate.
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