(be able to tell) :-\ufffd

That is, and for (I think) all obvious reasons: no group's "esoteric wing" is ever going to advertise its existence or generally even.. admit there is such a thing.

As with churches - most of the action and the pitches are about socializing; any 'philosophy' is cut & dried, with study groups for those who want some expansion of material.

Notice that in US - there is hardly ever any reference even to the word esoteric/hidden in connection with the popular religious Corporations (those with massive land and other property holdings).

Offhand, I think that the usual info about the Masons - as with the Sufis (say) tends to be predictably of two sorts: "it's just a fraternal order like the Elks" and/or "there are secret hierarchies.. too". Naturally (this being the US) it's assumed that wealth determines membership in these 'optional' castes. If there are any.

It's probably deemed just fine if - people imagine that there is little difference among UFO, Black Helicoper stuff and - any such orgs. (If there are such orgs. ;-) Catch 23: "those who say don't know; those who know don't say" is no mere slogan.

But one thing we can be Sure of, homo-saps being involved (!) is that - many more will say they know about ___ than know shit about anything - since so many folks love to be Seen to know stuff. [cackle]

(Makes 'research' a tad inconclusive, no?) My take is that, anyone with a literal mindset will find precisely what they Know is there: Nothing at all. But the real question is: for those who really wanted to find out if there is anything to discover .. (?)

Well, nobody ever said it was s'posed to be ez, now did they? Maybe it's just as well too; as with the Frank & Ernest cartoon in the diner:

Big Sign over a huge kettle, Do Not Stir the Soup. Frank asks the guy, "why not?". "Because Sir.. you would not like what you would see, Sir."


what me worry?