Op. cit 'Mairzy-Dotes' {however misspelled)
(A song before your time; utter nonsense--but it likely launched or ..cauterized? my attention to the wonder-filled World of Puns (if not punsters).
What it did fershure was: alert moi to Pay attention to Words, not become distracted at their oral or written-form, but--as inducement next, ackshully look-it-up along w/ its synonyms.
These prods having been inculcated, then--somehow stumbling onto [Mention #666) The Tyranny of Words /Stuart Chase--pub 1938!--and meant for a young niece (IIRC).
as stoked a life-long attachment (to ..later, Feynman's version: stealing Title of one of his pop-books for all readers not-just-gearheads: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out.
tl;dr: Indeed 'kid's books' vary from utter amateur-tripe on through the virtuosos' tales as create Newest-
imaginations of future consequence, I aver.