Post #437,559
12/8/20 1:12:49 PM
12/8/20 1:12:49 PM
You think 56k baud negotiation signaling is music
Your opinion is invalid. ;)
Post #437,560
12/8/20 1:15:11 PM
12/8/20 1:15:11 PM
You just invented that!
You've been in the (almost) exclusive company of small children too long.
Post #437,561
12/8/20 1:20:06 PM
12/8/20 1:20:06 PM
There's some pretty decent kid's music these days, ever heard of Caspar Babypants? Local chap who used to be the lead singer for The Presidents of the United States of America, the court jesters of the grunge scene. How many people can take "Pop Goes the Weasel" and turn it into a commentary on what it's like to be a one-hit wonder while still being a kid's song?
Of course, Sturgeon's Law applies to everything - and what fits in one person's 90% might be a favorite of another person. Or as I say, everybody has a right to their own taste in music, even if it's wrong.
Post #437,562
12/8/20 1:30:57 PM
12/8/20 1:30:57 PM
I'm pretty sure I hate the idea of "kids' music"
Sure there's stuff that's inappropriate lyrically, so I'd tend to avoid listening to that around them. But anything that's made specifically for kids tends to be horrible.
Post #437,563
12/8/20 1:42:31 PM
12/8/20 1:42:31 PM
Belive me, I was horrified by the idea at first...
and yes, there is a lot of utter garbage in the kid's world. Don't even get me started about Raffi, who apparently is huge in a lot of families. (Not mine, that fucker gets skipped any time his music comes up) And we're not even going to talk about that fucking purple dinosaur.
There are a few songs out there that are surprisingly decent. Casper Babypants doesn't use "inappropriate" language, and yet still somehow ends up sounding like he's still doing a continuation of his old grunge band. (which was halfway to a kids' band already - "Little Dune Buggy", "Some Postman", "Peaches" for example)
Then there's Kira Willey's "Let's Go To Work" which I've actually considered doing a solo jazz routine to - played it for a few other local dancers, and they've all reacted rather positively to it.
Post #437,564
12/8/20 2:25:28 PM
12/8/20 2:25:28 PM
They Might Be Giants
Great stuff IMO.
Raffi is trash.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #437,596
12/9/20 4:21:22 AM
12/9/20 4:21:22 AM
I imagine The Wiggles might disagree with you.
Post #437,601
12/9/20 8:28:16 AM
12/9/20 8:28:16 AM
And I would disagree right back
Do you still listen to their music as an adult, and not just playing it for your kids? If not, then it's not good music.
Post #437,714
12/12/20 4:15:55 PM
12/12/20 4:15:55 PM
Op. cit 'Mairzy-Dotes' {however misspelled)
(A song before your time; utter nonsense--but it likely launched or ..cauterized? my attention to the wonder-filled World of Puns (if not punsters). What it did fershure was: alert moi to Pay attention to Words, not become distracted at their oral or written-form, but--as inducement next, ackshully look-it-up along w/ its synonyms.
These prods having been inculcated, then--somehow stumbling onto [Mention #666) The Tyranny of Words /Stuart Chase--pub 1938!--and meant for a young niece (IIRC). as stoked a life-long attachment (to ..later, Feynman's version: stealing Title of one of his pop-books for all readers not-just-gearheads: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out.
tl;dr: Indeed 'kid's books' vary from utter amateur-tripe on through the virtuosos' tales as create Newest- imaginations of future consequence, I aver.
Post #437,715
12/12/20 4:21:10 PM
12/12/20 4:21:10 PM
I'm old enough to know about Lamzy Divey
Post #437,719
12/12/20 6:02:30 PM
12/12/20 6:02:30 PM
Ooohh, nostalgia: 'k, hows about? ... 'Praise the lord and Pass the Ammunition' line.
(If we can recall crap like this--from earliest times--and continue the ∑ after: we'd all have a Nobel). But who would not prefer IgNobel, eh?