Movin' pitchures w/ Sound! to boot. Nice that speech pathologists have Named the irritants--and this compact essay clarifies a bunch.
What I didn't see there, though:
some analysis of (what may also be an artifact of my hearing's particular frequency-graph du jour): young women whose 'fricatives' ... causes them to sound like Minnie Mouse. Impossible to be sure if It's Moi or: does anyone know what I mean /have heard this? It is as-if they are mixing a treble/falsetto into most words; producing near a bird-like Valley-speak irritation, in the jelloware.
Humans! ... even their mouth noises can irritate as much as communicate, (especially when we mix in some momentary pecksniffery).
PS: obviously you paid Attention in 'dialect class'. (In retrospect, I wish I'd attended such, early-on); imagine the advantage, even: in just normal debating tactics! But one must never stoop to Menace-ware pure-Nastiness re an opponent's speech impediment--advice that only such as a Menace (could not even understand). We're sometimes Lucky via his auto-destruct pig-ignorance made visible; alas--his Base *feeds on it. Thus {still} may KIll Us All.
* I ƒeare that this IS the Damocles' Sword overhanging the entire Planet: Iggerance writ Large, en masse. :-/
What I didn't see there, though:
some analysis of (what may also be an artifact of my hearing's particular frequency-graph du jour): young women whose 'fricatives' ... causes them to sound like Minnie Mouse. Impossible to be sure if It's Moi or: does anyone know what I mean /have heard this? It is as-if they are mixing a treble/falsetto into most words; producing near a bird-like Valley-speak irritation, in the jelloware.
Humans! ... even their mouth noises can irritate as much as communicate, (especially when we mix in some momentary pecksniffery).
PS: obviously you paid Attention in 'dialect class'. (In retrospect, I wish I'd attended such, early-on); imagine the advantage, even: in just normal debating tactics! But one must never stoop to Menace-ware pure-Nastiness re an opponent's speech impediment--advice that only such as a Menace (could not even understand). We're sometimes Lucky via his auto-destruct pig-ignorance made visible; alas--his Base *feeds on it. Thus {still} may KIll Us All.
* I ƒeare that this IS the Damocles' Sword overhanging the entire Planet: Iggerance writ Large, en masse. :-/