Heh! never þought I Be prescient.. but feels nice ever to be a þorn ..in any Repoþ's jelloware :-)
Have to hit DeLong, for good stabs at Scale&Relativity from authentic Histpries. Pity that the vox pop would be so unable to follow; it's togh realizing that, for recognizing 'perspicuit' you Are an outler
Query: have you tuned in Amanpour, yet? fwiw
Methinks she's channeleing Edward R. Murrow and perhaps (the best of past iconic-Commentators) ... reliably.
She + truly virtuoso cohorts waste nary a syllable; her body-language reflects via intellect+emotion: and offers nuance
to the Big-questions of ilk, say "just How Bad Is ___?" Menaces, local and worldwide, ever tempering her syntax to
..not pissing off an obvious-Idiot that she even implies, "you're an Idiot".
aka I go there first, just to save the time of deciding which next alternates can supply more detail than an hour can.
Noted also: the Replies to many a bombshell NYT blurb have offered up some incisive, discerning quotables.
Sentience is where you find it (but CNN not so much).
Carrion ..it ripens hourly now, becoming ever denser in that microphone-->W.H sewer effluence complex.